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Mike - 2005-03-05

I sat here this evening reading these boards and a few others I was simply amazed at how many "teachers" we have here that (based on writing skills, demeaner, and attitude) that you got any type of job at all let alone a teaching job.
In this post I am going to be up front and quite blunt for these are the facts about most (NOT all) schools, companies, and agencies in China that hire people.
First off the Chinese people are attempting to show, grow, and live as westerners and America being the most followed with Movies and such it is basically the American way they are trying to live. With that in mind the remainder of this will shed some light for you.
Western countries have looked down on races other than white for thousands of years (America being just under 300).
The Chinese employers are in the business to make money and they feel a "white" teacher will earn them more in ways of advertising, students, and such.
Dont get me wrong I have seen many colored teachers get good jobs as well as tv shots here in China so it is by far from being all over China.
If Americans, and English look down on the color of skin then the Chinese will follow to be more westernized.
Some of the posts on here were outright racism in themselves.
Lets look at history:
White man kills off all the Indians, grabs Africans to do their work (this is why most "white" people are lazy. then crys about it when there are too many to control.
But this goes to the colored man too, you cannot spend your life complaining about what some people did 300 years ago GET OVER IT.
I have absolutly nothing against black, red, yellow, or white but by god its gone too far when a boss cannot hire the one he wants in fear of a color man crying out "racism" they dont have that issue in China and its because of that, that the Chinese boss will always hire who he believes will bring in the most profit.
Its NOT racism in China, its business and its money.
Has nothing to do with accents, passports, or anything it IS color.
Proof to that is there are French teachers teaching English because they are WHITE. its not racism its business (at least the Chinese people dont see it as racism)
Now to get to the other part of why:
A black person no matter were they are from is black and in the eyes of the Chinese is african, filipinos, are philipino, indians are indian. your money is worth less than the Chinese RMB and THAT is why they look down on you.
It money, its business.
I know you (the colored people of the world) had hoped to leave your lands and come to China to get away from all that garbage but the fact isthe Chinese are the most prejudice people in the world (even against themselves) but it is not racism to them its business.
I saw in one post a person was talking about it being a crime for this and that about color of skin, I am sorry but there are NO equal oprotunity jobs in China. The Chinese people own their business 100% and do not have to answer to the law when it comes to who they will hire.
A good note for you though is this:
Large cities are more westernized and are accepting color more than before. Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen dont care about color but dont expect to get all the benifits from central China (flat, high pay vs cost of living, and other commodoties)
I am not racist (I have hired several to work based on qualifications not skin color)
But for the most part schools and companies in China prefer white as it is.
Besides NO foreign teacher in China is a real teacher WE ARE ALL DANCING BEARS who intertain the children of the rich families who can afford us.
(This was not ment to offend anyone just my eyes seeing it as it is being a recruiter in China for schools and knowing whatthey want) the why is my opinion and expressed as such MY OPINION, this is not directed at anyone of any single color, ethnic group, or person.
Thank you

Messages In This Thread
Racism in China -- Mike -- 2005-03-05
Yo Mike -- Sajid -- 2005-03-15
Yo Mike -- Sajid -- 2005-03-15
Yes Yes -- Chinese Employer -- 2005-03-05
Black, loved and happy - ESL discussion -- Black roses are beautiful -- 2005-08-10
arrogant - ESL discussion -- James -- 2005-08-13
Opportunities for all - ESL discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2005-08-15
The letter I would have liked to have written - ESL discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2005-08-11
Black roses are truely beautiful - ESL discussion -- Peter -- 2005-08-11
Good info you can actually use is beautiful - ESL discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2005-08-12
put up or shut up - Teachers discussion -- uncle bob -- 2005-08-15
It's not a question of being able to 'handle' anything - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2005-08-16
its ok... dont worry - ESL discussion -- tania wantelli -- 2005-08-15
Actually, I'm havin' a good ol' time - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2005-08-16
To Rheno and in reply to "don't worry" and "put up or shut up" - Teachers discussion -- jinchafa -- 2005-08-16
Nice. Thanks a bunch, Jin. - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2005-08-16
power to the people - Teachers discussion -- jack bindshaw -- 2005-08-16
"Teachers" - Teachers discussion -- BD -- 2005-08-16
It's a good thing the 'packers are a dime a dozen - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2005-08-17
Hey Rheno... - Teachers discussion -- BD -- 2005-08-17
Hey, BD - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2005-08-18
Congrats! - Teachers discussion -- BD -- 2005-08-19
I will - Teachers discussion -- RhenoA380 -- 2005-08-19
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