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bosslove72 - 2010-01-16
In response to Re: Dongbei Primary beware! (KFesl)

I worked at this school. If you ever see Huludao and primary school together, just keep moving. This place is a joke and they are not trustworthy at all. They try to cheat you in all sorts of ways. The Foreigner that they have there, says that he is your friend and that is trying to help you. Don't believe it. They fail to tell you that you have "English Corners" every morning that they expect you to do. They are constantly criticizing your teaching, but never try to give you support. The FAO is a lying con man, he will change his answers every five minutes. They try to keep working in the school by using fear. Just be smart and stay away for this place. I agree, if you constantly see the same school advertising for teachers, it means that is a loser school.

I came here looking for work. The Foreigner who says that places the ad for the school is just trying screen out bad teachers uses three different names when you contact him and can become irrational at times. He goes through this whole thing about how the school will try to throw you out of the country if you don't work hard. I have no problem with that, so I keep going. I get there and the apartment is nice but very far away from the school! I had to walk 45 minutes to and from the school each way! They said that would give me a bike, but they would take the money from my pay as an advance. I declined.

The FAO is a surly guy, who barely knows English himself. "Fred" is not a teacher just a man who needs a job and can speak some English. What tore it for me was these English corners and my "teaching evaluations". The administration wanted me to watch the "Head" foreign teacher give a lesson. They do not want to pay for anything, they paid me by each class I taught, but I was supposed to go the training for free? I told the Head guy and he tried to get me to play sick. I refused. The FAO came to me and told me to go to the training and I asked him to show me where in the contract where it said that I must attend these trainings, he could not. The next few days the Head foreign teacher would not speak to me. I finally asked him what was wrong and told me that I had slighted him. I had told him to his face that I was not going to this and he had tried to convince me to come or play sick. He was part of the whole set up. A week later the FAO called for me and handed me a sheet of paper trying show where in the contract it showed where I had to attend these trainings and now I had to go EXTRA trainings. I just looked at it, and told him to cancel the contract. I left there several days later and I tell you, I never felt freer.

This Huludao primary school is a joke and one that should be avoided at all costs. Do not believe the words that these people say. I have placed my email at the top, I have nothing to hide and I stand by my accounting of this. I am still in China and still teaching.

Messages In This Thread
Dongbei Primary beware! -- KFesl -- 2009-12-17
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- OMack -- 2013-07-03
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- San Migs -- 2013-07-04
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- OMack -- 2013-07-04
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- San Migs -- 2013-07-05
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- OMack -- 2013-07-06
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- MikeK -- 2013-07-05
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- OMack -- 2013-07-06
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- MikeK -- 2013-07-03
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- OMack -- 2013-07-04
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- Alternate -- 2013-07-05
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- OMack -- 2013-07-06
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- San Migs -- 2013-07-05
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- MikeK -- 2013-07-04
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- Mahoma Iza -- 2010-04-21
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- lucy -- 2010-02-22
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- ybrunson -- 2010-01-28
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- Right Said Fred -- 2009-12-17
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- KJK -- 2009-12-17
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- KFesl -- 2009-12-17
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- bosslove72 -- 2010-01-16
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- Maria -- 2010-04-12
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- Fred -- 2010-04-16
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Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- Garbage Laowai -- 2010-04-18
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- Callum West -- 2010-04-19
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- Maria -- 2010-04-20
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- Mike -- 2010-04-20
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- Callum West -- 2010-04-20
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- Dragonized -- 2010-04-18
Stay clear of this garbage place! -- Garbage Cleaner -- 2010-04-19
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- Maria -- 2010-04-17
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Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- Busineesman -- 2010-04-17
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On garbage here and there -- Garbage Cleaner -- 2010-04-16
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- Bosslove72 -- 2010-04-12
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- Maria -- 2010-04-01
Re: Dongbei Primary beware! -- Alcatraz -- 2010-04-02
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