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seanmeran - 2010-03-09

First, thank you for the time and attention you gave to your response. The unexpected kindness of strangers is always such a wonderful gift to receive. Please let me know how I might reciprocate.

I am aware of the exchange rate, thank you. I have been told that the simple way to think of purchasing parity for China is a 1 to 6 ratio (i.e. if you were used to being paid $60,000 in the states, then the equivalent of $10,000, 68,000 Yuan (6.8 Yuan for $1 exchange rate) would allow the same style of life. Is this an accurate formula to use? I will be working in Jilin Province.

The job that my potential boss is very enthusiastic about me doing is: come for first three months and get oriented to schools and teaching while I "observe" and "advise" him (he has several schools in several cities plus a corporate training corps for Fortune 500 corporations in Tianjin ... I have extensive experience ... 20 years/trained 15,000+ staff, managers and executives, entrepreneurs ... owned my own company ... earned a great 6 figure salary before retiring ... designing, marketing, selling, delivering, training trainers to deliver and quality controlling training solutions for Fortune 50 corporations) on how to manage and expand his company ... he wants in 3 months after I am oriented and we mutually want to proceed .. to have me take "a higher responsibility (I would be willing to get his enterprises stably systematized, put excellent management in place and standardize the whole operation so it can be smartly expanded without sacrificing profit margins or quality ... then I'd want to be all about designing courses that meet huge needs, co-authoring a few books with him ...and marketing/selling/developing delivery systems, etc).

If your term "IB" means international business .. yes I'm a bit of a "guru" on global economy business standards .. and could do a great deal to prepare Chinese Managers/Executives for global business so that they would be less and less needing to hire foreigners to handle global business ...

When you say opening gambit should not be less than 15,000 Yuan is that a total monthly income or does that exclude overtime (I had thought 14,000 a month for 88 hours and 140 RMB per hour for overtime figuring I would easily do 120 hours of that a month ... so that approximately totals at 30,000 RMB a month)?

Yet ... you say if I have IB credentials and vast experience ... which I do ... I should up the 15,000 a nought ... my understanding of "a nought" is adding another zero ... so are you saying I should seek 150,000 RMB a month??

Perhaps this idea of bringing my car over is not a good one ... just that it's almost new .. and selling it would be so at a $3-4000 loss.

Again ... I am most appreciative of your input.

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Re: Old China Hand - Purchasing Power of Yuan? -- seanmeran -- 2010-03-09
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