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Mike B. - 2005-03-19
In response to adjusting to life in korea (buzz_a_r_droost)

For me the big problem was the language. I to Korea from Mexico where I could understand what everyone was saying and what everything said. When I got to Korea I was completely lost.

I didn't get any specific cultural adjustment lessons from my employer, but that said I came here without a job lined up.

I don't really hang out with anyone, but my contact with Koreans is limited by the fact I don't speak the language, and the smallish town where I live doesn't have many English speakers. Any contact with foreigners is one or two of my workmates, like I said I'm not into drinking or womanizing so I stick to myself.

PS Every time I type a capital letter here I get this annoying popup saying to turn off the caps lock key. grrrrrrr, it's the shift key, not the caps lock!!!!!

Messages In This Thread
adjusting to life in korea -- buzz_a_r_droost -- 2005-03-03
Adjusting to Korea -- Mike B. -- 2005-03-19
Ok Ok -- Chinese Employer -- 2005-03-19
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