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Smartie - 2010-05-29
In response to Re: How to get a complimentary release letter (Yingwen Laoshi)

Wow!...and you say that you've got no "qwams" with my view, and that I've got a problem with your views! If you behave like you do here with the FAO faculty, no wonder you find it necessary to wine and dine them!

I think you should lighten up! I knew you'd hit on 'kwams', that's why I misspelt it for you! Well, you've been saying that I'm a fraud. For doing what? Buying dinner once a month for certain Chinese folks without asking for specific favors? BTW, it's MY money, not yours, so I'll spend it as I please!
Can't you envisage a newbie trying to do his (or her) best in the classroom, but having some complaints from students, and being unable to judge the gravity of such complaints? No Chinese employer will say to such a newbie, don't worry, you'll be fine if you persevere! Things can change, just like the weather! I'm trying to help borderline laowei folks to get a little edge to keep them here longer so they can improve.

If I presumed that you wanted to stay, I would not have asked you. I just wanted to point out a method that would help you or others to go one stop further.

How long or where can mean absolutely nothing re teaching prowess. Certain schools will only pay air fare reimbursement if a ticket is first bought by the FT. Don't buy one, don't go home, and maybe you can stay for a long time somewhere despite pretty average teaching - do I have to spell it out? The school can save MONEY! Are you in an ivory tower?

You're right about one thing, though. We need to stop this conversation. I'm getting nowhere with you.

You accuse me of fraud, and if I were to get a glowing report, of using it to defraud the next employer. Absolute garbage according to any country's laws! Unlike you, CL didn't take the bait - he can see that my writing skills didn't equate with my deliberate spelling mistakes. BTW, I have a Bachelor's degree, and teaching experience in the West. What's more, I've never been a cinema usher. Seems you've been the subject of an entrapment. The News of the Screws has entrapped Fergie. Do you think she'll get sympathy for that? Course not! You neither! A little later, I'll give you another revelation, another real shocker, stand by for it! In the meantime, get off my back, and Turnoi's too!

Messages In This Thread
How to get a complementary release letter -- Smartie -- 2010-05-22
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- Colonel Fallows -- 2010-05-27
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2010-05-27
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- englishgibson -- 2010-05-27
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2010-05-27
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- Smartie -- 2010-05-27
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- Yingwen -- 2010-05-27
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- Smarty -- 2010-05-27
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2010-05-28
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- Smartie -- 2010-05-29
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2010-05-30
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- Smartie -- 2010-05-30
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- neutral -- 2010-05-30
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2010-05-30
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2010-05-30
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- englishgibson -- 2010-05-26
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- Smartie -- 2010-05-26
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- englishgibson -- 2010-05-23
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- Smartie -- 2010-05-23
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- Juanisaac -- 2010-05-23
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- Smartie -- 2010-05-23
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- ks -- 2010-05-23
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- Wow! -- 2010-05-26
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- Smartie -- 2010-05-26
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- englishgibson -- 2010-05-24
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- Perky -- 2010-05-23
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- Smartie -- 2010-05-23
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- ignorant Chinese -- 2010-05-23
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- Smartie -- 2010-05-23
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2010-05-24
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- Smartie -- 2010-05-24
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2010-05-23
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- Smartie -- 2010-05-23
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- Juanisaac -- 2010-05-24
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- Smartie -- 2010-05-24
Re: How to get a complementary release letter -- happy hooker! -- 2010-05-26
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- Smartie -- 2010-05-26
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