smiler - 2010-09-10
In response to Why? (Amazed)


sorry old boy but it's nothing to do with holding a vendetta , and certainly not meaningless CRAP as you put it.
lets get one thing clear, the vast majority of posts here are not CRAP. you may live in your own dream world where everything is fine and everything else is CRAP!
some of us here have experienced CRAP schools and also CRAP coporate shool weasels whom we are well aware of.
yes, many of us have plenty of past postings, so what if we wish to write our comments here to warn others because there is a continuing need to do so.
if your that discusted with the truth and what is written here, then why don't you just stick your head in a gas oven, you might just get high !
frankly I don't give a damn for those who don't like to hear the truth or try to tarnish it.
and no, we are not stuck in the past, just continuing to post information here to warn others of CRAP schools, but you tend to think this is all meaningless CRAP.
Those living in the past are the ones who have no real vision of the future or truth come to that, and you seem to fall into this category
things have not changed a great deal in China, maybe you should join the communist party,because they are the ones still stuck in the past.
I am AMAZED to hear such crap from a westerner, that is if your really one at all.

Why do the posters on this board continue to post when it is obvious that they have a personal vendetta and are trying to gain recognition and a following by posting meaningless crap? Check out the past postings of these people and you will find it is the same old story... time after time. This is a soap opera but the story is going nowhere. I used to get a laugh reading the stuff that is posted here. Now when I do take a few minutes to browse, I just get disgusted! You can visit this board and then drop out of sight but when you return, it's like nothing new has been posted. These posters come off like a broken record...same ole...same ole thing. Get a life. Time goes on and things change but they can't. For some reason they are stuck in the past...reliving a bad dream...experience. Get over it and move on. Post something that has some meat, something current that relates to the situation today, especially the posters who have not been here for a number of years. China has changed! the only thing you have done is gotten older and soured in your advancing years.


Messages In This Thread
Why? -- Amazed -- 2010-09-08
Re: Why? -- Amazed -- 2010-09-12
Re: Why? -- smiler -- 2010-09-10
Re: Why? -- Amazed -- 2010-09-11
Re: Why? may the peace be with you. -- smiler -- 2010-09-12
Re: Why? may the peace be with you. -- Amazed -- 2010-09-12
Re: Why? may the peace be with you. -- Amazed -- 2010-09-12
Re: Why? may the peace be with you. -- smiler -- 2010-09-13
Re: Why? -- The Wise -- 2010-09-08
Re: Why? -- Amazed -- 2010-09-09
Re: Why? -- Fun Mate -- 2010-09-11
Re: Why? -- Amazed -- 2010-09-11
Re: Why? -- Fun Mate -- 2010-09-12
Re: Why? -- englishgibson -- 2010-09-10

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