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Dragonized - 2010-10-21
In response to Re: Spying on Students? (Sanguine)

Since coming on to this board you have been making statements which basically try to tell us that we all should think uniformly and in one mindset towards certain situations. That is we should just look at ourselves as "guests" or that we should just mind our own business because everything that's Chinese and all of her problems will seemingly work themselves out. Based on these responses you cannot expect people to just reply to you in the same civilized manner that you expect. Everyone has an opinion on this and for you to argue for the sake of what they have said back to you just shows a jaded mindset on your part.

Look at the posts on this website related to the discussion board. There are over 15,000 threads. If you take a look at some of the earliest ones to some of the later ones you'll see how there are some people who have been posting for a very long time. Being that that is a fact you can understand why some people might take some of the things that you have said (even if that's not what you meant) as just another defense of the crappy, corrupt world of ESL China.

Some of your posts especially towards select people carry a strong, judgemental attitude about who they are. If you expect people to just take you seriously you obviously don't understand human emotions. Mud slinging isn't necessarily just labeling someone as stupid or as a spy. It also includes baseless accusations of a person's character as being a certain way based on what they've said. Turnoi, Silverboy, and some others have been dealing with some jerks on this board for a long time now. So you can imagine how weary they must feel when they see you defend a school for possibly spying on its students.

We don't need anyone telling us how to talk to people. Saying that a person has no credibility because of an opinion they may have given shows you haven't actually thought out and considered what we may have said. If you really believe we can do better you wouldn't have pointed it out in the way that you have. Picking on other people's semantics and drawing baseless conclusions that we are biased people will only make us see you as the unthoughtful individual that you are. You made a choice to post on this board, so you can expect disagreements. Especially considering the types of conclusions that you draw since many of them are totally baseless and without foundation.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Spying on Students? -- Monitor -- 2010-10-20
Re: Spying on Students? -- Dragonized -- 2010-10-20
Re: Spying on Students? -- Sanguine -- 2010-10-20
Re: Spying on Students? -- Dragonized -- 2010-10-21
Re: Spying on Students? -- Sanguine -- 2010-10-21
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