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Sanguine - 2010-10-21
In response to Re: Spying on Students? (Dragonized)

You say I only speak out to people who are seemingly "against" me. Well this is a discussion board. Common sense for most of us would be that if there are people who support our ideas or people who support our opinions we wouldn't speak out against them.

I don't necessarily agree with that, if someone is wrong they are wrong, and we should not simply support them in a wrong argument because they are our friends. You mistake loyalty as an excuse to not speak up and do what is right. That you are loyal is good, but to a fault is bad.

I have yet to see you speak out against Justin, Mandy, or some other people who have been equally biased with their opinions against me, Turnoi, or others. Before you make accusations you might want to reflect on your own actions that you have, or have not in this case, taken.

OH but you have, as I have spoken out against Turnoi, and Silverboy when I did not agree with some things they said, 2 people who supported me and my ideas before. That all changed when I disagreed with one or both them. As for those other people you mentioned, they have not said anything I disagree with of late, but if they did, I would disagree vocally. Liking the person doesn't mean I will always like what they say, or lack the courage to speak up if they are wrong.

Your blatantly target Turnoi and discredit him by showing posts of his accusations and some of his satirical comments. What about showing and speaking out against people who may have said similiar things but who agreed with you?? The more you talk the more it's obvious that you hear only what you want to hear and you want to "expose" and speak about others "digging their own grave" when all you're doing is digging your own grave.

You are mistaken, please go back and back to when this first started, and you will see that the Turnoi poster targeted me, big difference. You show an ability here to be blind to the actions of your friends, and only see the actions of others. It's a key component of being a good loyal member of a hive mind.

Apparently it's okay for people to come on here and say crap to Silverboy, Turnoi, and others who have a different idea of what is going on and what should happen but of course people who agree with you Sanguine have NEVER, EVER slung any mud or made any disparaging remarks towards a person's character. So of course Turnoi was born to talk like this and you must go ahead and carry on your noble agenda of "objectively" thwarting his wickedness and hurtful bashing of these poor foreign teachers who are all good, since he's obviously not to be trusted.

Actually you should be saying it is okay for Turnoi, silverboy and others like yourself to say what you want, but people like myself can not talk back, or we are labeled trouble makers. Don't try and pain yourself as the victim, one need only go back to the beginning of this convo to see who started it, meaning who started slinging mud and making it personal. That would be Turnoi, however you foolishly decided to follow his lead.

Realize that when you speak on something, others who may have posted, who may be reading, or who may have their own agendas of protecting the corrupt interests of the ESL world can only smile at your attitude and how you think foreign teachers should act, THAT'S what me and others are against. You haven't been able to change that, and you won't be able to with how you talk and approach things.

Ditto. I think you have sadly gotten me confused with someone else in the ESL world, some corrupt school owner or lackey as you say, I am no such thing. I don't defend the ESL world. You my friend are a bit of a zealot. If I am not 100 percent with you then I am against you. Such black and white thinking is really your problem, as is the fact that to you this is all just a game, a big tit for tat. You put little thought into your posts, and decry me for doing so. Oh I say much, and you don't like what I say, so you block out much of it, and attack the rest. No logic or reason in your methods. No one is trying to change you, you serve a purpose in your mindless pursuit of justice, however it is pretty mindless, as all you seem to have is hate for esl schools the world over. I tend to take a more balanced approach. I have no love for such places, and I don't defend them. However labeling me a collaborator is the easiest way to discredit me I suppose.

No you and those others are no victims. However the best way to deal with some of you is simply to ignore you, as some of you feed off the attention, using their past history as useful advocated to feed their petty natures. Ignore those people I say, I think we can safely say who they are. The rest can at least be reasoned with to a point. The ringleader though, not at all. Bye.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Spying on Students? -- Sanguine -- 2010-10-20
Re: Spying on Students? -- Dragonized -- 2010-10-21
Re: Spying on Students? -- Sanguine -- 2010-10-21
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