View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re New York Times article: Zambia Balances Aid From China and Resentment
China fan - 2010-11-23

About doing very little here, I agree, we should all work at universities and do the minimum amount of work possible. Work short hours, only about three days a week, collect our 5000 a month with free large apartment and utilities. The Chinese use us, lets use them. Work less, eat cheap and tasty Chinese food, drink cheap Chinese beer, sleep with young Chinese women. Let's take advantage of them the same way they try to take advantage of us!

Yes, Silver One, you've posted my sentiments exactly. I couldn't have put it better myself! Trouble is, if you ever return to Oz to work there, you'll find it hard going to satisfy an employer who won't pay you for doing next to nothing. Best for you to marry a Chinese beauty who can cook, and stsy here with her thereafter. I expect you've almost reached that stage in your relationship with your present lady by now. Please let us know when you're ready to tie the knot with her.
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Re New York Times article: Zambia Balances Aid From China and Resentment -- China fan -- 2010-11-23
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