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Tom - 2011-03-16

"I have been teaching in China for 4 years now, and I have to tell you, I love it. And yes, I have had my ups and downs, but I've learned valuable lessons from them all.

To work properly in China you have to learn to understand the Chinese way of thinking. It's very complicated and I mean this in a good way. They do things different than the foreigners, and once you learn to understand their way of doing things, life will be a breeze.

I love teaching in China, and it's great to be here!

May God bless China!

With love,

Teacher John"

When I read your post, Teacher John, it made me feel quite queasy. In fact I had to leave the computer, make a cup of tea and smoke a cigarette. I'm bound to say that I've never read such a load of of bilge in all my life.

What on earth to you mean "they do things different than the foreigners?" You are in fact Chinese yourself, are you not? The different instead of differently didn't let you down, it was the the. We FT's do make certain mistakes, especially when hurriedly writing these posts; however; a foreigner always stands out, even if the original text was written by a Westerner,a Chinese can't resist fiddling and changing.

Also, we have the 'Teacher John,' the 'with love' and the 'May God bless China' to consider.

Listen here, Darling, all the Chinese have to do is to tell the truth and adhere by the contract that they themselves have written and we'll all get along very well.

Let's make one thing very clear, most of us who criticise crap outfits on this site get along very well with ordinary Chinese people, but as Turnoi would say, scumbags is scumbags, is scumbags whatever nationality they is (notice my little artistic license with "is" that's cos native born speakers and some rare Europeans are allowed to play with their own language. You ain't allowed.

You are right about one thing, scumbags are convoluted and complicated in the way they think.

Messages In This Thread
China: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- prefer not to say -- 2008-11-30
Re: China: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Joe -- 2012-11-30
Money Warning: New Dynamic Institute (NDI) -- Mr Unpaid -- 2013-09-28
Re: Money Warning: New Dynamic Institute (NDI) -- Mr Unpaid -- 2013-10-10
Re: China: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- John -- 2011-12-07
Re: China: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Kevin -- 2011-12-08
Re warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-20
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Yoyo Ann -- 2010-08-26
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Tom -- 2011-03-16
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- waltonsran -- 2011-12-19
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- John -- 2011-03-10
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Tom -- 2011-03-16
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- George -- 2011-06-22
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-21
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Dragonized -- 2011-03-16
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Tom -- 2011-03-17
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Lazy Guy -- 2010-08-26
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- joshwhiltz -- 2010-07-01
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- charles telae -- 2010-05-06
Re: warning NDI Shanghai stay away, iyo only! -- PROFFESIONAL ESLER -- 2010-05-06
Re: warning NDI Shanghai stay away, iyo only! -- Chengdu FT -- 2010-05-10
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Daniel Tadd -- 2009-08-07
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- mini_me -- 2009-09-26
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Winston -- 2009-09-26
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- HireEd -- 2009-08-07
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Daniel Tadd -- 2009-08-08
"hiccup" you call it? -- HireEd -- 2009-08-08
Re: "hiccup" you call it? -- joshwhiltz -- 2010-07-01
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- prefer not to say -- 2009-08-04
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Li Bai -- 2008-12-02
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- EslTeacherDS -- 2010-07-16
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- tit4tat -- 2011-03-22
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-23
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- prefer not to say -- 2009-08-19
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