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Tom - 2011-04-04
In response to Re Accept Black People... (Unsurpassed)

At my uni, I have established a close relationship with a young FAO. He has told me in confidence that our uni's policy is not to employ black people ever again. According to him, the main reason for this is that some blacks who taught there in the past complained too much. Other reasons are that they partied late into the night, played loud music, and some of the African men were indiscreet with their Chinese girlfriends in public places, causing anger among passers-by. For example, they'd hold hands, hug, and even kiss them while out for a stroll in broad daylight. This is unacceptable in a conservative society in a third-tier city. Others did not speak standard English. That was noted by some Chinese professors who'd traveled abroad to English-speaking countries to study there.

Oh, you have, have you? Do you mind me asking just how close this relationship might be?

Loud music is an absolute pain and inconsiderate. Personally, I don't like any type of music, especially self-indulgent sentimental bilge. I do like to open my windows and listen to the birds singing but I'm afraid in China they've either poisoned or eaten most of them.

It doesn't matter who you are, in public you shouldn't be flaunting and snogging the locals- that just makes good common sense, I would have thought. There are bolshy twits around these days who confuse pig-ignorance with assertiveness- "I can do what i like and care not what you think" type of attitude, meaning of course 'I respect you not.'

I can't blame the authorities for wanting to show such arrogant yobs the door. The fact that China if far from perfect has nowt to do with the price of fish.

Messages In This Thread
Accept Black People... -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-04-02
Re Accept Black People... -- Croc -- 2011-04-02
Re Accept Black People... -- Unsurpassed -- 2011-04-03
Re Accept Black People... -- Tom -- 2011-04-04
Re Accept Black People... -- Lip Stick -- 2011-04-03
Re Accept Black People... -- Tom -- 2011-04-04
Re Accept Black People... -- Croc -- 2011-04-03
Re Accept Black People... -- Bavarian bier -- 2011-04-03
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