View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re pay raise
Apollyon - 2011-04-20
In response to Re pay raise (Bavaria Beer)

3500 RMB is one of the lowest salaries I have ever heard of. If they have offered you 200 RMB raise, that's pretty low and if I were you I would not accept that.

I would agree, and even 5,500 rmb is nothing in China these days, some hairdressers earn more, and businessmen leave you far behind...

Essentially I might agree but as yet the bloke hasn't revealed anything about himself (could be Wolfman) he might well be a black African with sod all options. If that were the case you might well be advising him to return home since his bosses or any other Chinese school might not agree that 5500 is the going rate- *and they'd be right* (note, here i talk about the *going rate*)

Messages In This Thread
Re pay raise -- Bavaria Beer -- 2011-04-20
Re pay raise -- Apollyon -- 2011-04-20
Re pay raise -- Bavaria beers -- 2011-04-21
Re pay raise -- kurtg44 -- 2011-04-21
Re pay raise -- Apollyon -- 2011-04-21
Re pay raise -- kurtg44 -- 2011-04-21
Re pay raise -- Apollyon -- 2011-04-21
Re pay raise -- Apollyon -- 2011-04-20
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