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Steve - 2011-06-09
In response to Re EF (English First) Dongguan (PeterParker)

Dear, dear, "Peter" (eh hem, Wes, your real name)

For those who read the last post by one "Peter Parker", which I'm 95% sure is Wes, the DOS (teacher manager) I spoke about, please recognise the manipulative wording and name calling used. This is who the leadership of E.F. Dongguan is. I will list each example now.

"I have never worked at EF but while they have a 40 hour work week I doubt you are actually teaching for 40 hours EF may also have a 20-25 hour "contact week" but a 40 hour work week (where the other time is used for lesson planning, paperwork, etc)?" Those are funny sentences. It seems you know quite a lot about this. Where have you taught in China? A 40 hour workweek is a 40 hour workweek. Some schools do more, some do less, but be honest about your scheduling.

"Spreading misinformation just because you have a gripe with certain people says more about you than EF itself." A personal attack because I am speaking out against a blatant wrong done by you and EF Dongguan. There is no misinformation on my end.

"As far as I understand from your rambling post, they are paying you for sitting on your arse to be the Duty Interviewer for 10 hours. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me!" Yeah, if you are a lazy bollocks! Most, like myself, would rather that time be spent doing something productive in lue of "sitting on my arse".

"Also, I would not hire anyone to teach English who cannot differentiate between "waist" and "waste". If EF can be blamed for anything is hiring semi-illiterate morons to teach English. Are you even a native English speaker, Steve Parker? " Another bit of name-calling here. Mark my words, if you work at E.F. Dongguan, Wes WILL talk behind your back (that is when he's not taking you to the closest massage parlour for a "special" massage. He knows em all!). This is part of who he is! It's standard bullying technique, really.

"This is probably because of the high number of "English Teachers" who fall ill so very, very often. Amazingly enough they usually fall "ill" after a big night out drinking. It would not surprise me if this "Steve Parker" was such a teacher." My drinking habits, and those of many teachers in China, aren't an excuse for poor managing. Punish those that can't control themselves, not all just to prove who is in control. You fail to correct the problem but instead punish all. I consider that a poor management trait, not to mention an alienating method of leadership.

"If you are genuinely ill, go to the local clinic and get a doctor's note, surely that is not too much to ask and anyone with brains would do it if two days' salary was on the line (which I doubt is actually true). The whole thing about the hours is quite standard across all training centres anywhere and that is the nature of working at a training centre. If you don't like it, find a job in another type of education facility, don't bitch and whine on an Internet board." Really, you believe this is true Wes? If I was dicky, maybe too ill to get out of bed, I would be nicked two days pay. Is that the way it is everywhere. NO! And internet boards are where people look to find information. I'm giving them some real information.

"If you do not want to be taken advantage of, here is an idea, go back home and get properly educated so that you actually meet the minimum standards for teaching English in China." So you're saying that you ARE taking advantage of these people then? Because they have no proper education? Shame on you Wes, and shame on E.F. Dongguan! How many teachers at E.F. Dongguan have college degrees now? 3-4 maybe...

"It is unprofessional scum like you (and your buddies who replied to this OP) that give all decent English teachers who do the right thing a bad reputation." Another bit of name calling. Wes, you need to look at who you are, and what you've become. You just sent-up some of the people that YOU hired because they disagree with your methods. Maybe you need to hire someone who fits your needs. Oh, thats right. The uni educated teachers are making more money at home than in China. If they come to China for only a year or two, they'll be here for an experience. To see Asia. Teachers come to experience a crackin' life away from home. NOT to be controlled and manipulated by you. THAT is why it's hard for you to hire new teachers.

oh, bytheway, a few have emailed me after seeing what I wrote. I even gave information about some teachers currently working at E.F. Dongguan to clarify. I've got one more question for you, Wes. Have you hired any new teachers lately? Any couples? Probably not.

If anyone wants a job, E.F. Dongguan is looking for teachers. But I advise you to find a job at another school, or even in a different country.

last word. I will not respond to this post again (except through email). Teaching in Asia is a wonderful experience when at a high quality school that understands who you are as a foreign teacher. Schools that give you opportunities to progress, and to enjoy your time in a foreign country. I recommend you to seek schools that aren't manipulative or controlling. If you feel like the school you arre talking with is this way, move on. There are many, many schools across Asia that'll take you.

Messages In This Thread
China: EF (English First) Dongguan -- Steve Parker -- 2011-05-24
Re China: EF (English First) Dongguan -- Robert Nutter -- 2015-06-29
Re EF (English First) Dongguan China -- Nikki -- 2011-06-14
EF Dongguan is a terrible place to work for -- Anonymous -- 2011-06-10
Re: EF Dongguan is a terrible place to work for -- J-Hai -- 2011-09-18
Re: EF Dongguan is a terrible place to work for -- ESLSavior -- 2011-09-16
Re: EF Dongguan is a terrible place to work for -- Banana Joe -- 2011-09-17
Re: EF Dongguan is a terrible place to work for -- Dragonized -- 2011-09-16
Re: EF Dongguan is a terrible place to work for -- San Migs -- 2011-09-16
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- PeterParker -- 2011-06-08
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Emma -- 2011-06-09
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- putty in her hands -- 2011-06-09
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Peter Parker -- 2011-06-10
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Steve -- 2011-06-09
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Peter Parker -- 2011-06-09
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- John -- 2011-06-10
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Peter Parker -- 2011-06-10
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Nikki -- 2011-06-09
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- William -- 2011-05-31
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Kevin -- 2011-05-27
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Nikki -- 2011-06-01
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