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go away GW's - 2011-07-05
In response to Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English (Dragonized)

OK here is the skinny on what to do when you get attacked or F_cked over while in China. I will start with a true story:
About a week ago I was savagely beaten by two 27 year old Chinese dogs. I am 53 years old
The events that led up to the beating are not important. What is important is that I knew both guys and it was over a breached agreement (of course) and money (of course).
I was beaten as I entered an apartment I leased (in my name) and had let these two pricks live in for peanuts in return for them watching over my animals while I worked night and day, 7 days a week for the past 8 months. As I tried to defend myself I was dragged down to the floor and one of the pricks held my right arm down as the fat piece of $hit sat on top of me and crushed my chest. Then as I was held down the beating commenced. Long story short, I was hit with everything but the kitchen sink and at one point I think they were pummeling me with wooden 2x2 pieces of hard wood like bats. Every time I came back from being knocked out I received another exchange of blows. Finally they realized they might kill me and I managed to crawl out the door and call the cops. I then got my second wind and went after the two pricks even though I was vomiting blood and had a slight concussion (which landed me in the hospital for 3 days). After they realized I called the cops they actually started begging me to forgive them and then threatened me with what they would do after they got out of jail lol. The fat one actually thinks he beat me up. It took 2 pieces of Chinese $hit to beat up one 53 year old American who hadnt slept for two days and was so strung out that he hardly could walk to begin with.
When the police came I made sure I was taken away by ambulance. The Chinese dogs that F_cked me over were supposedly put in the lock up over night.
That evening and thru the night and into the following days, the police started calling my wife to see how I was and one of the pricks actually was still texting me threatening me if I prosecuted them.
After 3 days we went to the police and I demanded restitution. That night a meeting ensued at the police station. I had already called the consulate and was told that if they were needed they would send a representative IMMEDIATELY thats right they would have backed me up believe it or not.
Let me cut to the chase here and finish by saying that not only did I get back $4000 RMB in hospital bills (which I padded anyway and which my insurance policy will totally cover to the RMB), But I was told that the matter was closed and I was asked politely not to call the American government in on it. I told them if I was left alone I would not call my government in. The bottom line is this, as an American you do have inalienable rights and believe it or not they follow you around the world where ever you go. As an American I had more civil rights than the 2 Chinese pigs that beat me up. And they knew it too! That is the sign of a sick society. This is a society in which 800 million or so people are nothing more than third class citizens.
I want to give every American out there a bit of advice when it comes to dealing with the local Chinese population. DONT DO IT! These people are born liars and thieves and beggars. The very few Chinese friends I have that came thru for me are a very small segment of the general population in China of which about 90% are nothing but scumbags. The Chinese seem to think that because they have had such a hard past that it entitles them to act like animals and thieves and beggars and $hit to others now. They have no God because they only worship money money is their God. And that is a truly sad race of people if you ask me. And the very small percentage that are not animals are totally disgusted by it and that is why they are scrambling to have their kids learn English so they can have a better life away from the sub culture that exists here in China. I can tell you first hand that the $hit I heard that was being screamed at me by the fat prick that was bashing my brains in was truly scary. There seemed to be an undercurrent of hatred and frustration and violence in it. It was truly disturbing because if I wasnt as lucky as I was, I would have been killed.
Here are some rules to remember:
#1 Always be aware of yours surrounding and NEVER travel alone. I dont care how big and bad you are. No one can fight off 2 or 3 guys and once they get you down you are totally finished.
#2 Be very careful in any business dealing with any Chinese even people you consider friends. These people worship only money and will kill for it.
#3 Do not trust these people and always remember that you should have a contingency plan or some way out. The American Consulate is besieged with incident reports and complaints about business rip offs. These people are born scumbags, dont trust them.
#4 If you want to sleep with any Chinese girls make sure you use a condom. I will say that again; make sure you use a condom. You do not want to wind up in one of the STD clinics with something like Herpes Simplex 100 (which can grow lesions on Porcelain toilet bowls for Gods sake!). I have a friend that will never be Ok after the strain he caught. BE CAREFUL when you sleep with these pigs!
#5 I know Americans never stick together but at least, TRY! There is strength in numbers and there is money to be made here. We might as well all make as much as we can before heading back to America when it gets better there and we can return. No one is saying to become a GW. What I am saying is have some dignity and self respect. The less of these you have, the more these liars and thieves and beggars will rip you off.
#6 I suggest we all start keeping in touch with each other and start sharing information on how to get things done and where to go after being victimized and more important, before getting victimized.
Just my 2 cents worth guys - Pete

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Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- go away GW's -- 2011-07-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Kevin -- 2011-07-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Dragonized -- 2011-07-07
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Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Dragonized -- 2011-07-09
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Kevin -- 2011-07-09
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Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- NEWEST VICTIM -- 2011-07-10
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Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Kevin -- 2011-07-08
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Dragonized -- 2011-07-08
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Alec -- 2011-07-08
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Kevin -- 2011-07-08
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- San Miguel Beer -- 2011-07-07
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- foxy -- 2011-07-07
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Kevin -- 2011-07-07
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- go away GW's -- 2011-07-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Kevin -- 2011-07-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Dragonized -- 2011-07-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Kevin -- 2011-07-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Kevin -- 2011-07-06
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- San Mig -- 2011-07-05
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Dragonized -- 2011-07-05
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- go away GW's -- 2011-07-05
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