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Dragonized - 2011-10-11

Recently, there have been a healthy number of naive folks who have posted glamorizing their "schools" and how much they enjoy getting screwed over (though they may not realize it yet). I am re-posting some information that was posted by a poster named "Crap School Spotter" as well as some information that others have shared. Newbies might want to take a look at what crooked business people who own these "schools" can do with your id.

1. Using your passport (I have heard that even a photocopied version may be used) to do illegal business. There was a message posted by a former teacher who worked at Tianshuo in Jilin Province who did this to import cars.

2. Pretending to be you to get your educational credentials from the college/university you had attended.

3. Using the training center as a business front to launder money earned illegally through running prostitution rings, contraband, and drugs. Silverboy has stated in the past about the prostitution ring run by the infamous wangbadan Frank Zhang.

4. Signing two separate contracts with one teacher so they may avoid tax. Of course one of the contracts will not be offical with the PSB so good luck getting your salary.

5. End of contract bonus not being paid in full or at all by most of the "schools" due to excused made by the cheap owners.

6. Illegal surveillance on teachers by staff with going into the teacher's apartments when they are not home.

7. Physical assault on teachers by bullying westerners who believe they know everything and are so courageous that they will always pick on the teacher who is of smaller stature.

8. Hostile work environment with racism, sexism, and creed constantly being judged by idiots at the workplace local and foreign. In more developed countries you can sue.

These are actions which are deemed illegal by law in many places. China even has laws against most of these things, but they do not enforce it. I ask others to add some more things and to let the teachers who want to come to china see the bad things which can happen. Training Centers calling themselves "schools" should be closed down and the criminals who own them prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Places like Hampson, Aston, and Global IELTS are a few good examples.

People who have had a good experience working in china whether private or public do not need to post online about how great their employer is. I can speak confidently that the ones who do make a free choice of being ignorant, so their words should be taken with a grain of salt (or a whole field of it).

Online discussion boards are a good way to put out proper information about places that can crush you emotionally, financially, and physically. Post-traumatic Stress Syndrome can happen to overworked teachers and can linger. The people who have had these experiences can just see the neglectful attitude of others as stupidity and realize it is our responsibility to maintain our stance in this ongoing battle with injustice that has been inflicted on us.

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Teachers rights violated -- Dragonized -- 2011-10-11
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