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OneinChina - 2011-12-23

Xian University Architecture and Technology University
Stay Away

1. It is in Northern Chjina. Every teacher did not get a heated apartment. Those were givien to Chinese faculty. They put you in this "new" place. Anyone in China knows, that structures here are so poorly constructed that "new" means nothing. A "new" building was made for graduate students, at this place. It has no air conditioning and no fans. And there is no winter heart. 2. The Teacher, recrutiter, chief party hack, Ms. Z--- is very pranoid of foreigners. A friend wrote a short story about Canada and Z --- had to be calmed down by other teachers. Z--- thought is was bad about China, about the university and bad about her personally. Neither Cina nor the university nor Ms. Z--- was mentioned in the short story. 3. People are let into your apartment to steal. The stealing occurrs more out side the largest cities of China, outside of Beijing , for example. The further you go into the interior of China, the more you are mistreated. (Yea, this is the real China, as they say. You find out how much disgust they have down deep.)

You cannot ask students to do anything. They are graduate students - the ones you will get. Many forign teachers with graduate degress who have taught here are appalled. The grad students are foced to take these courses, when they have to be studying engineerig, etc. They have no interest in English speaking counties. The classes for English majors are reseved for two long-time foreign faculty. They are the only long-term people there. You have to treat these grad students like Kindegarten peple. They demand scissors, coloring pencils, poster board and magazines to ekeep them busy. And it is easier to spend your mone on those art supplies, instead doing something daring like asking them to talk. The grad stiudents say that they you made them lose face, no matter what you do. I have taught 16 years in China. This is the worst university.

Messages In This Thread
Xian University of Architecture and Technology -- OneinChina -- 2011-12-23
Re: Xian University of Architecture and Technology -- OneinChina -- 2011-12-26
Re: Xian University of Architecture and Technology -- San Migs -- 2011-12-26
Re: Xian University of Architecture and Technology -- Kevin -- 2011-12-27
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