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Elephant - 2005-05-21

It didn't take but a few days after beginning work as an TEFL instructor here in Thailand to realize one fact about Thai students: cheating is a viable option in the land of Thai. At my school, not only is it widely practiced in every subject, but it is also encouraged by the instructors. After spending half a semester trying futily to root out the cheating infestation in my English classes, I decided to adopt a much more creative approach than just saying 'no'. Through my efforts, I've learned some tips that may help you, my TEFL brethren, to stifle the cheaters in your own classrooms.

1. If you give homework, make sure you actually collect it and grade it. If you never collect homework, most students won't even do it. This means these students won't learn the material to begin with and will then need to rely on cheating when quizzes, tests, or exams are given later.

1. When giving students written quizzes, ask students to pass in completed quizzes as soon as they finish. This keeps any quizzes that are completed early from discreetly circulating through the classroom before they are turned in.

2. Don't return graded quizzes until the next class period. In a large class, it is hard to keep track of those who've finished and those who are 'posers', that is, students pretending to be finished but are really waiting on graded quizzes to be returned so they can snatch them and copy, copy, copy. When the class is over, accept no quizzes after that time. This will help force posers to finish by the closing bell.

1. Use multiple-choice, fill-in-the blank type questions with no numbers or letters assigned to the choices. This forces students to write in complete answers and not just a simple letter or number. In my classes, students often call out answers to each other in Thai during quizzes and tests. I don't mind. On my tests, anyone giving assistance will be forced to speak complete answers, and anyone receiving assistance will be forced to write complete answers. Both must be done in English if cheating is going to succeed in my classes.

2. When giving a test, make up several versions for each class. Any answer spoken by a 'provider' will be meaningless to anyone with a different test version. The more versions, the better (and the more comical).

I've found these strategies to be extremely helpful in gauging my students' true abilities and motivating my students to try harder. After a year in Thailand, I've learned that if the proper strategies are used, cheating CAN be reduced in places where cheating is as entrenched as it is here. Indeed, cheating can even be turned into a learning activity, especially if cheaters are forced to speak or write complete answers when taking quizzes and tests.


Messages In This Thread
Strategies to use cheating in the classroom as a learning activity - ESL discussion -- Elephant -- 2005-05-21
Cheatin' teachers - ESL discussion -- SiamSap -- 2005-05-22
Forget it - ESL discussion -- RhenoThai -- 2005-05-22
That's a whistle I wouldn't blow....yet - ESL discussion -- Elephant -- 2005-05-22
I forgot this critical point - ESL discussion -- Elephant -- 2005-05-22
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