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Steven Katz - 2012-02-29

When you are a foreigner entering a different culture you have to realize - it is THEIR culture and THEIR way of doing things and YOU area guest. In my country tehre is a sying - "don't sh*t on your host's white carpet" which seems to apply. If you don't like the way things are done, just remember - YOU CAN'T CHANGE CHINA. The way they do things is rooted in 5,000 years of their culture and you aren't going to change it. Not this year, not next, not ever.

The dishonesty you find in China is everywhere. It was back in your own country, it is in your new country, it will be in your next country. The only place where everyone is honest is the cemetery. Get used to it.

The Training Schools in China don't teach? Neither do the Chinese High Schools I have taught at and even the Chinese Universities I have taught at. 65 students in a 45 minute class gives, even under the ebst circumstances, 40 seconds of "face time" with the foreigner. How mjch Englishg can someone learn in 40 seconds? Half your class is fast asleep in class? The parents don't care, the princiupal doesn't care and as long as you let them sleep the students don't care. Why should you care? Teach the ones who want to learn and let the rest sleep.

Adaptation involves not trying to be the salmon constantly swimming upstream, but rather being the leaf gently floating down stream. You will no sooner change the direction that the stream flows than you will change China. Save your breath, save your bandwidth, save your career (those who complain too much get labeled as a "troublemaker" and find their contracts not getting renewed) and save your sanity - go with the flow, not against it.

Messages In This Thread
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- Steven Katz -- 2012-02-29
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- Magister -- 2012-03-01
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- Brenda -- 2012-03-01
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- Dragonized -- 2012-03-02
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- David -- 2012-03-01
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- Dragonized -- 2012-03-01
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- foxy -- 2012-03-01
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- San Migs -- 2012-03-01
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- Martin Morris -- 2012-02-29
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- Dragonized -- 2012-03-01
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- San Migs -- 2012-02-29
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- Dragonized -- 2012-03-01
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- San Migs -- 2012-02-29
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- Sinacure -- 2012-02-29
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- Dragonized -- 2012-03-01
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- San Migs -- 2012-02-29
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- Jackson -- 2012-02-29
Re: China is a hard nut to crack! -- Dragonized -- 2012-02-29
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