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Ralph - 2012-07-08

language and dialect ... a false dichotomy ,, these are distinctions invented by man to describe fenomena that emmanate by man , but are not created by man ,,,, fare to say that they exist within man ,,

question : how much do 2 ways of speaking difer? (exqample - beijing manderin and cantonese ) enough to be called languages , or only enough to be called dialects ? answer : depends on you're defanition of language .., and of dialect ,, hate to get all philosofical on you but thats the way it is ,,,, if there were strict defantions , that every body agreed on ,, it would be an easy determanation to make for any language pair ,,,, but there aint no strict , set defitnitions ,, it is a debate about labeling and not about the true inherant qualities of the 2 ways of speakin ,, so i dont generaly waist my time debating whether diferant types of chinese are languages or dialect ,,

i have my own opinnion on how they should be labeled ,, based on what i think is a reasanable definition of language and dialect ,, but if some one disagrees with me ,,,, does that change any thing about the ways of speaking themselfs ? no it does not ,,, it just means that me and that peticular coleage have difrent opinions on how language and dialect should be defined ,,,, that is all ., in that sence it is a bit of a false concept ,, a house of cards ,,,, calling them dialect dont make the northerners and southerners no better able to understand each other ,, that is for sure

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Re: "Learning Mandarin, whatever it takes" -- Ralph -- 2012-07-08
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