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Clyde - 2012-07-28

Silverboy wrote:

You are right, people can't help who they fall in love with or are sexually attracted to. There are way to many do-gooders and prudes on boards like this.

What a lame-ass argument. First of all, it doesn't make someone a "prude" if they think teachers shouldn't go around fucking their students. Boasting about sex on the internet is for losers, obviously, but, in connection with this I am forced to say that I have had quality sexual relations with Chinese women who'd graduated from university and were employed. This isn't about being against sex. We can be passionate about sex, indulge in it until we are blue, and still be against teachers fucking their students.

Now to your other argument. "People can't help who they fall in love with." Ba, ha, ha, ha! The guy didn't even say he was in love. He just said he was turned on. Anyway, it takes a bit of effort to fall in love, and what we're really talking about here is lust, anyway. I'm not saying lust in a bad thing inherently, otherwise we wouldn't even exist because our ancestors wouldn't have procreated. I'm just saying let's not confuse love and lust here.

Further, your argument that "We can't help who we fall in love with" and "others are do-gooders and prudes" could be used to justify pedophilia as well. It's a bogus argument. Complete and utter clap-trap.

Besides, again, one should resist being tempted by students. Of course, men in general will be attracted to young women (because they are generally fit…), and that's precisely why in a situation where we are entrusted to be their teachers or mentors we do NOT take advantage of that to fuck them, and then make up bullshit, self-delusional nonsense about not being able to not fall in love (goo-goo) and of liberating them from sexual oppression. Man do you ever spread the nonsense on thick!

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Re: moral dilemma? -- Clyde -- 2012-07-28
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