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Clyde - 2012-07-29

Silverboy, you would have been wise to back down a long time ago, but at this point, you have and openly encouraged a teacher to have sex with his 21 year old student (on this forum), which is a felony in some States in the US; already admitted to having sex with a 22 year old student yourself; repeatedly stated that "Western women are 2nd rate"; claimed that Western men are automatically superior boyfriends/or husbands for Chinese women than are all Chinese men; and boasted that you are in China to "liberate Chinese women sexually.

From my perspective, having dated both "Western" and Asian women, both in the West and in Asia, I can say they are not really different. The difference you speak of is not racial, otherwise you would like Chinese women in the West, but I'm sure you don't if they are, let's say, Westernized. Men such as yourself never like Westernized Asian women, they only like the ones living in the developing world. They will want to meet a Chinese girl from China, when they live in San Francisco, where close to 20% of the population is Chinese!!! So what then IS the difference? It's not anatomical! We can find the answers in your own statements.

You say that Chinese women need to be liberated sexually, and only a Western man can do it. By this you mean they lack significant sexual experience. Thus what separates the Westernized, undesirable, 2nd rate Chinese woman, from the highly desirable, native, developing world Chinese woman is … drum roll please … her lack of sexual experience coupled with her availability. You want a woman that has grown up in a patriarchal society, not some Westernized, feminist, who can look you squarely in the eye and not be the least impressed. You want a pre-feminist, unequal playing field, where you have an undeserved advantage.

You need a less experienced women (preferably a virgin, yes?), who will think that you have skills in the bedroom, whereas an independent Westernized Asian woman, if she would even sleep with you (probably not if you tell her about your 22 year old student pet, I mean "girlfriend"), would be able to assess your actual prowess in the bedroom, where you might come up, how shall we say this, short.

I've noticed over time that the normal guys, who were able to get girls in the West, tend to have suitable girlfriends in Asia and normal boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, whereas I tend to see the guys who are conspicuously non-competitors in the West with very inappropriate young women. Seriously, where I live now there is a fair amount of sex tourism and what have you. What I see on the street is a lot of young attractive Western couples. Then I see some normal looking guys with Asian girls about their age that seem like normal couples. Then I see curmudgeonly old farts with tiny girls (well, compared to them) perhaps a third their age.

All of your swaggering and strutting, particularly as evidenced in your over-the-top attacks on all Western women, probably signify your own insecurity and inadequacy in the bedroom, which the barely legal Chinese students won't be able to detect.

Pardon me for saying this, but, you sound like scum. You are not on the vanguard of sexual liberation, but are yourself a sexual repressor by using your authority and power as a teacher to inflict your own brand of sexual conquest on vulnerable young students. There are very good reasons that there are laws against this in the West, and why it is undoubtedly against the code of conduct at any university in China, and it's the same reason that there are prohibitions against sex with minors, or doctors having sex with patients, or any other situation of a power/authority imbalance. You try to say that people who believe having sex with students is wrong are "radical" and "conservative" but the opposite is the case, they are progressives, who believe women have the right to grow up and get an education without being harassed by male teachers, and without male teachers scoping them out or lusting after them as sexual provender. The reason that bosses can't try to fuck their secretaries, and there are sexual harassment laws, is to protect women and girls, and protecting women and girls is not conservative or reactionary. However, preying on women and young girls IS. You seem to resent women having power and independence. That's because you are weak. and lack confidence in yourself, therefor need an entire gender of people to be categorically inferior to you. Now you feel stronger. But wait, you also need to make all Chinese men inferior to you sexually. Now you feel even stronger. But in reality you are weakness with the cherry of delusion on top.

I also don't care if you have 100,000 posts on this forum. Posting everyday, or nearly so, for several years on end probably is not a good sign. It counts against you rather than for you.

I still can't believe anyone is so deluded that they'd argue for having sex with students, and try to justify it as sexual liberation. Some people have been in China way to long and need a wake up call.

Messages In This Thread
Re: moral dilemma? -- Clyde -- 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma? -- Jie Fv -- 2012-07-29
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