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Clyde - 2012-08-02

You are right again Turnoi. Nobody in China really cares if foreigners have no morals. Most Chinese have no morals anyway, they lie, cheat, and decieve each other every single day.

As for sex with students, last year two 28 year old post-graduate students ( women ) at my university told me I should f..k a 22 year old student who was stalking me at my uni: They thought it would be a strategy to get rid of her. I told her I thought it was not a good strategy, as the girl might become more obsessed.

Chinese women in Shanghai have also told me that if young Chinese women ( including students ) from 20-25 want money or gifts then I should just f..k them. They even said these girls deserve to be used and dumped by men ( even though they are also users ) It would "teach them a lesson" they said.

And no, I am not making it up for London Girl's information. I was told this by early forty-something women in Shanghai.

Sort of makes a mockery out of anything London Girl has to say. Even Chinese women themselves disagree with her!

Man that's some ugly shit you wrote there. Like the predictable part where you tried to say that a student was stalking you. As if a teacher couldn't easily have resolved such a problem, if it existed at all, in the very beginning.

Actually you've made a mockery of yourself. That you might find others who are filled with hatred and stupidity doesn't help your case. You are like someone in the Antebellum South arguing that they got some slaves that don't want to be free. There were women against women having the right to vote.

All you've done is said that some really unpleasant women talk to you in a really ugly way about ugly shit. No women have ever expressed such views to me. You know why? Of course not. You don't possess the self-awareness. They talked to you that way because of who you are, and the way that you talk.

The more you spew the more vile you show yourself to be. Honestly, the thought of you teaching university students makes me a bit sick. To say "they deserve so much better" would be an understatement. It's not just that you aren't a good teacher, you actually do harm. Don't pretend that you're tough either, unless you think Woody Allen is tough.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Summation of the debate. -- Clyde -- 2012-08-02
Re: Summation of the debate. -- San Migs -- 2012-08-02
Re: Summation of the debate. -- Clyde -- 2012-08-03
Re: Summation of the debate. -- San Migs -- 2012-08-03
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