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tianjindave - 2012-08-11

There is a small country between China and India, Nepal. I have finished my short-term job in Louisiana to help set up a new university here, and I am now looking forward to go to a small beautiful village in Eastern Nepal to help the local college develop into a full university there. A former Nepalese student of mine (currently in the USA doing another research project here) has got me that job via his contacts in Nepal, and I will discuss the details with someone from the college board some time on the phone tomorrow.
The village must be somewhere in the mountains, a lot of fresh air and a lovely nature. It may be not be the Shangri-La that some people might expect but if it was only 10 % of it, it would be fine with me. I like the Buddhist and Hindu culture, there will be a bit of each, I guess. No more need to worry about crap schools and employers in China, no city stress, quiet life.


Will they need you to find them any FT's. I know a good teacher in Manchester who could do with such a gig?
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Re: Next assignment: Nepal -- tianjindave -- 2012-08-11
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