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Joe - 2012-11-30
In response to China: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away (prefer not to say)

In the past several months this school has been closing down offices. I work in one of these schools and the head office is offering one month severance pay for termination of the contract (as redundancy pay).

There were rumors the school may close 'soon' but no specified date. There was a delegation from Shanghai that was meant to come, but they delayed for two weeks (tomorrow next Friday etc etc) and when they arrived they announced the school would close the next day. I had to counsel a student who arrived yesterday to have a class but wasn't told. That's how sudden this was meant to be done. The redundancy pay was pitiful (1/4th the size it should legally be), and they still haven't paid it. Making excuses about how it isn't the correct bank account (even though they have been paying into it for over the past 12 months). They are also withholding salary for work already done.

The local staff may be reasonable, but Shanghai/Wuhan will screw you over. There have been several foreigners who have been screwed by similar schools. And the law will not help that much, as the school has declared it's local area bankrupt (can't get blood from a stone).

My advice, do not DO NOT work for this school.

Messages In This Thread
China: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- prefer not to say -- 2008-11-30
Re: China: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Joe -- 2012-11-30
Money Warning: New Dynamic Institute (NDI) -- Mr Unpaid -- 2013-09-28
Re: Money Warning: New Dynamic Institute (NDI) -- Mr Unpaid -- 2013-10-10
Re: China: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- John -- 2011-12-07
Re: China: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Kevin -- 2011-12-08
Re warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-20
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Yoyo Ann -- 2010-08-26
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Tom -- 2011-03-16
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- waltonsran -- 2011-12-19
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- John -- 2011-03-10
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Tom -- 2011-03-16
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- George -- 2011-06-22
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-21
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Dragonized -- 2011-03-16
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Tom -- 2011-03-17
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Lazy Guy -- 2010-08-26
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- joshwhiltz -- 2010-07-01
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- charles telae -- 2010-05-06
Re: warning NDI Shanghai stay away, iyo only! -- PROFFESIONAL ESLER -- 2010-05-06
Re: warning NDI Shanghai stay away, iyo only! -- Chengdu FT -- 2010-05-10
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Daniel Tadd -- 2009-08-07
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- mini_me -- 2009-09-26
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Winston -- 2009-09-26
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- HireEd -- 2009-08-07
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Daniel Tadd -- 2009-08-08
"hiccup" you call it? -- HireEd -- 2009-08-08
Re: "hiccup" you call it? -- joshwhiltz -- 2010-07-01
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- prefer not to say -- 2009-08-04
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Li Bai -- 2008-12-02
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- EslTeacherDS -- 2010-07-16
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- tit4tat -- 2011-03-22
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-23
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- prefer not to say -- 2009-08-19
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