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ASTF - 2013-01-03

Just remind me which points I've missed? You started this argument by making strong statements, the majority of which, would fall under 3 categories

1.The west is the best
2.China and the Chinese are inherently of a lower quality
3.China should be grateful to the west for anything it does have

You argued these points fairly forcefully and tried to bring in some examples to support them.
In more recent posts you've started to backtrack and head for less extreme ground and I've called you on it! Now you've just gone completely limp and have taken the position that you don't really like this argument because it all seems a little too argumentative for your taste! Perhaps you're not used to people stating a different point of view on this site but It does reek of someone who has just run out things to say.

I'm not sure what you mean when you consistently state that I'm missing something due to my 'lack of life experience'? Is there some hidden message within the posts that claim that "the Chinese are of lower quality" or "where would China be today without the west?" which actually portrays your views in a different light? Please for my sake if there is something I'm missing have the good decency to point it out rather than running for the obvious cover of saying "no, that's not what I meant to say".

No I won't admit to being wrong on the basic principle that the Chinese are no more morally good or bad than westerners. It is my belief that all people are equal, all have the ability to be good just as they have the ability to be bad. There is no nationality that is inherently lower or higher than any other.

I apologize if you think that my assessment of you as a Chinese hater is extreme but I can only really go on what you've contributed to this board. As well as the points I've already mentioned above you've also made claims on other threads including things like the Chinese are "the world's most unhappy people". It's difficult to get a sense of you having anything but contempt for the Chinese.

The fact that you have never acknowledged being able to overcome a bad experience while working in China and still had the faith to stick it out there tells me you really have no other place to go.

You know nothing about me! Again it's not surprising to see that you rely on this kind of tactic to discredit me as opposed to just sticking to the point. You've made some ridiculous assumptions about who I am, my nationality, my motives for posting and reason for being in china.The majority of which just like your supporting evidence for the Chinese being morally inferior are completely without truth. When I do post something about my life in china, other posters call me a liar! It's a bit of lose, lose situation for me when it comes to talking about my own personal experiences, isn't it?

I'm sorry to say (choose to believe this or not) you don't threaten me in the slightest. How could you? Continue posting in the same manner as you have been, it's really no skin of my nose. I think it's irresponsible from the point of view that those looking for support when planning on teaching aboard have to put up with your narrow minded views on the chinese but that is not a direct consequence to me is it?

Too many people forget how to speak sensibly after living abroad for so long, which is why you have these back and forths in the first place.

I would have thought that having back and forths on this board is a good thing, no? I mean it beats you and the SB sitting around trying to write the most absurd and derogatory insult about the Chinese that you can think of that day and then slapping each other on the back when you've done so. Perhaps it also shows that despite your comments that suggest I've sold out and 'gone native', I still enjoy the right to speak my mind on a free forum. If you can't accept these things I suggest you just stop reading my posts!
Messages In This Thread
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-01
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-01
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-02
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-02
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- ASTF -- 2013-01-02
Re: Congratulations on being Chinese...well not quite -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-03
Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- ASTF -- 2013-01-03
Re: Win-Win in China?? Ha! -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-03
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- San Migs -- 2013-01-03
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- ASTF -- 2013-01-04
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- San Migs -- 2013-01-04
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-05
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- San Migs -- 2013-01-05
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- ASTF -- 2013-01-04
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- The Exposer -- 2013-01-07
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-14
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- San Migs -- 2013-01-07
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- Mighty Sword Ole 69 -- 2013-01-22
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- Mancunian -- 2013-01-07
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-07
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-07
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- ASTF -- 2013-01-11
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- Dragonized -- 2013-01-11
Re: Is that subject title supposed to be an insult? -- Mancunian -- 2013-01-07
Re: No, not quite the bottom -- Mancunian -- 2013-01-02
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