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Mic - 2005-06-25

Yeah, I am very similar to Jinchafa. My tall height and high metabolism makes it difficult to hold the weight. But, in China, a "basketball" players body is not a bad thing these days.

I was at the airport in Shanghai and I noticed some of the Chinese people were laughing at this Western woman, and they were laughing because her body was very large, in fact, her butt must have been the size of two computer monitors(honestly!!!!). I don't know why many of the North American and UK women whom are in China have very large figures. It seems the Portuguese women and Russian women here are in much better shape then the Anglo-Saxon women. I suppose the Anglo-Saxon women whom do have nice figures, I think the prefer to go to France or Italy, something about those two countries are considered "romantic" in European tradition. So I ask some of the other teachers, have you notice that the female Anglo-Saxon ESL teachers in Central Europe are in better shape than the ones in China....?

But, in my opinion, I think the Chinese people in China are generally in better shape than their overseas counterparts..... strange, but true...

Maybe it is easier for larger lao wai women in China because they can't understand what people are saying about them, whilst in their home countries they can understand every negative comment made about them... Perhaps it is not an act of celibacy, but a way to escape something. Western man doesn't like fat women, trust me, we also like girl in good shape(look at most of our popular celebrity women)

Also, there is a strange but true Asian traditional thinking pattern, such as fat means you are wealthy and happy, so you eat well and are fat(think of the Milla Buddha: very fat, smiling, joyful)

But, the one thing I notice most about the lao wai people, is that they seem to dislike each other. Have you ever noticed a lao wai girl, she won't smile to you, they walk by with a serious look on their faces, while in England or USA, they wouldn't hesitate to give a friendly glance. The same with the guys too. Is it that the lao wai hates to see other foreigners like themselves in China? Why aren't they friendly to each other and smile. I also notice that sometimes other lao wai dislike some lao wai because he is meddling with the locals... In my home country, I often like to talk to people from India, but for some reason I feel it is very difficult to make friends with them here in China. In conclusion, I am flustered why there is so much discontent(between foreigners) for the fellow foreigner in China.

Messages In This Thread
Western ladies in China - ESL discussion -- cha yin zhe -- 2005-06-23
get a life! - Teachers Discussion -- tsk tsk -- 2006-07-10
i way nearly 100 kg and i just married a chinese lovely man who is 19 year - Teachers Discussion -- lea -- 2006-07-11
Sweet Music - ESL discussion -- The Joker -- 2005-06-25
RE: Western ladies in China - ESL discussion -- jinchafa -- 2005-06-24
agreed. - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-25
agreed - ESL discussion -- cha yin zhe -- 2005-06-28
Get a life - ESL discussion -- visitor -- 2005-06-29
Get a life - ESL discussion -- cha yin zhe -- 2005-07-01
What are you lot on about? - ESL discussion -- Dos -- 2005-06-25
kind of... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-25
Average city - ESL discussion -- Dos -- 2005-06-27
Western Ladies - ESL discussion -- The Joker -- 2005-06-28
Westerners in China - ESL discussion -- The Joker -- 2005-06-26
no way.... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-27
western women - Teachers discussion -- Guest -- 2006-04-24
I agree, yet I disagree as well - Teachers Discussion -- Sarah -- 2006-05-06
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