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Teacherman - 2013-02-27

Ah, panic has struck them.
They have removed, from their on line advertisements in Cathay Teacher, all reference to their company's name and have now called themselves "COMPREHENSIVE EDUCATION SERVICE INSTITUTION. Or RECRUITMENT SERVICE FOR ESL TEACHERS CANDIDATES". (Bad English- but that is what they have written.)

DO NOT EVER, EVER consider employment by EITHER of these two companies:-
Boao Tong Wen International Culture Exchange Centre and its subsidiary company Zhuo Wen International Cultural Exchange,

Interestingly enough they cannot compete with the finances offered by other Agencies and expect you to work for peanuts, and now they are now promising a "Part Refund" yes only a PART refund of your airfare if you complete 2 semesters. Really!! And don't forget a 'Part Refund" can be lower than 1 RMB; it is still a part refund!! **NOTICE *** and they can still not pay the staff their wages and nor pay the teachers their commissions, and now they are offering Part Airfare refunds.

The ploy behind that is that there are a lot of teachers that once employed by these companies, and find out what they have to put up with, actually run way from the schools. Many of their teachers have absconded from their schools and have disappeared into China's vastness.

It is known also that some of the schools that these companies send teachers to, will not let the teachers leave the school ground by themselves, even to go shopping, I know of one school where they would not even give the teacher a key to the main building as they deemed it a security risk.

Some schools that are accepting teachers from these companies treat the teachers well on the first day and from them on in it is one downhill slide.

And it is especially difficult for lady teachers, as the schools that these companies deal with after the first semester is over and the gloss of working in china has been removed from the lady teachers eyes, these company schools treat the lady's worse than 2nd class citizens. (I have been personally told this, it is not hearsay it is true).

So further to my last post, (1) Confirm which company your dealing with. (2) If it’s either of the above, forget them, and (3) forget to work in ANY schools they deal with.

When you ring a company in response to its advertisements, and the company name is not listed, surely that will raise concerns, well it should, and you should ask them and confirm why they do not advertise their names.

Be careful, and feel free to tell your teacher mates, no matter which country they are in. Every teacher and school should be aware of these companies.

AVOID and Take care.

Messages In This Thread
Re China: Reputable Organisation? ZhuoWen Int. Culture Exchange -- Foxy -- 2011-06-30
Re: Re China: Reputable Organisation? ZhuoWen Int. Culture Exchange -- Teacherman -- 2013-02-27
Re: Re China: Reputable Organisation? ZhuoWen Int. Culture Exchange -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-28
Re: Re China: Boao Tong Wen International Culture Exchange and ZhuoWen Int. Culture Exchange -- Teacherman -- 2013-02-25
Re: Re China: Reputable Organisation? ZhuoWen Int. Culture Exchange -- brad61 -- 2012-07-27
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