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Mancunian - 2013-03-19
In response to Re: re: visas? (foxy)

And some of them are bloody good teachers well-liked by their students. Still, I wonder why they come to China as young adults. I think they're wasting their time over here. They'd be better employed trying to find real jobs in the west.

China's tailor-made for middle-aged louwai and older folks who are seeking cushy numbers, especially those who drink and smoke. Much more freedom to do so, and very cheap too!

That's what I think. But I'm not asking readers to debate this with me. In fact, I won't enter into a debate about this. Just my opinion, that's all!

I agree with Foxy Poster, nothing wrong with fags&slosh. In fact in one respect twenty fags a day can keep the doctor away; and the reason being is that cigarettes will help speed up your metabolism and fend off that paunch. No, overweight around the waist/abdominally Obese/Centrally Obese, will build fat around the liver, heart and other organs- a fast track to the morgue. Central Obesity starts at 35" for a woman and 37" for a man. So reach for a 七匹狼 或者 黄山 and stay slim, although I preferred the first brand.

Yes backpackers do tend to be popular with the students, but I don't know about staying at home; when you're young sometimes you just have to follow your heart while you can. As you said China is good for us old farts hahaha. Well said Foxy.

Messages In This Thread
Re: re: visas? -- John O’Shei -- 2013-03-18
Re: re: visas? -- San Migs -- 2013-03-19
Re: re: visas? -- John O’Shei -- 2013-03-19
Re: re: visas? -- foxy -- 2013-03-19
Re: re: visas? -- John O’Shei -- 2013-03-19
Re: re: visas? -- foxy -- 2013-03-20
Re: re: visas? -- Mancunian -- 2013-03-19
Re: re: visas? -- Shaggie -- 2013-03-20
Re: re: visas? -- San Migs -- 2013-03-20
Re: re: visas? -- Mancunian -- 2013-03-20
Re: re: visas? -- Dragonized -- 2013-03-19
Re: re: visas? -- Sid -- 2013-03-18
Re: re: visas? -- John O’Shei -- 2013-03-19
Re: re: visas? -- Dragonized -- 2013-03-19
Re: re: visas? -- San Migs -- 2013-03-19
Re: re: visas? -- Dragonized -- 2013-03-21
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