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San Migs Draft - 2013-04-30

You are right again as usual.

Two Chinese girls I met over the past months.

First one was in a friends newly opened lounge bar in a smaller city of Guangdong. She seemed nice at first, even bought me a drink, we had a chat, it only took a matter of minutes for me to form an opinion on her. I asked her what was her job or business? She replied in Chinese and English, I have no job, I don't like or want to work?! I replied, absolutely amazed, but what about money....it did not even enter into her brain, she just basically admitted she is lazy and it is her husband or boyfriends duty to pay for her, if she does not want to work. To be fair she said something like wo bu xiang, literally I not want to work or something along these lines. Never met her again, nor wanted to.

Second girl, again seemed nice at first, until she showed me her brand new iphone 5 paid for her by her dumb boyfriend. I asked her what is her job or career, she was 25, again no job, nor any interest to, living with her mother and father, and having her boyfriend and parents spoil her, no money of her own, a total entitlement mentality. When I realized she was lazy and stupid, was when she insulted a hard working sales girl at a teahouse, who probably was not having an easy time of it, and that is when I basically ignored her from then on. Insulting a girl who works for herself, unbelievable.

These lazy 20 somethings need to get off their ass, nobody owes them anything, if their local boyfriends or some laowai guys are too dumb to pay for them, then heaven help them, I'm DONE!!!!!

Messages In This Thread
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA. -- San Migs Draft -- 2013-04-30
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA. -- Beelzebub -- 2013-04-30
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA. -- John O'Shei -- 2013-05-02
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA. -- Dragonized -- 2013-05-03
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA. -- juanisaac -- 2013-05-06
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA. -- Dragonized -- 2013-05-06
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA. -- Beelzebub -- 2013-05-03
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA. -- beelzebub -- 2013-05-02
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA. -- SMGS -- 2013-05-01
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