View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn
I'mTHEguy - 2013-10-01

First off, hello everyone. I'm the guy who was actually deported. Believe it or not, it is up to you. Here is what happened. The school didn't want to pay me and got me into trouble with the police to avoid paying me. I never showed my students any porn and I also never groped my students. I basically was found to be teaching illegally, because I was still waiting for my working visa to finish processing (it takes forever!). The police said that I couldn't teach until after the day I actually had the working visa in my hand. The immigration police were keeping my main reason for being arrested a secret for days. Representatives from my embassy actually were the first ones to tell me that there was a child molestation charge against me! Here is the funny thing, Hampson later verified that this was a "mistake" on their part and that the woman was 24 years old...hardly a child if you ask me. Regardless of this absurd charge...I was innocent of it. They still didn't care because I was in trouble for teaching illegally anyway. I was in a "detention center" (which was a prison) for 7 days and then immediately escorted to the airport to face deportation. The police told me that I can't ever obtain a work visa in China again and that I can visit China as a tourist only after 5 years. My passport was stamped and I was promptly put on the next plane to the US. All I gotta say is Beijing was so polluted that I was planning in leaving anyway. What a shithole. I felt like I was dying of cancer there everyday. I am now teaching in Southeast Asia and it is a lot better.

Miscellaneous info: In the process of all this, a woman named Grace was fired and a woman named Donna was demoted and is working at another branch.

Messages In This Thread
HAMPSON ENGLISH - BEWARE -- Pat -- 2011-03-23
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn -- M boss -- 2013-07-08
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn -- ImTHEguy -- 2013-10-02
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn -- John O'Shei -- 2013-10-02
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Beleiber4Ever -- 2013-10-02
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn -- I'mTHEguy -- 2013-10-01
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Ya'llShouldBeAshamedOfUrselves.... -- 2013-10-01
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn -- Dragonized -- 2013-10-02
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn -- John O’Shei -- 2013-10-02
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn -- John O’Shei -- 2013-10-01
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH - BEWARE -- John -- 2012-12-27
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH - BEWARE -- Mancunian -- 2012-12-27
Guangdong-Pei Zheng College Guangzhou -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-24
Re HAMPSON ENGLISH - BEWARE -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-23
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn

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