View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: China offered US$100,000 to help the victims of Haiyan
Dragonized - 2013-11-21

Yes...a country that sacrifices the safety, livelihood, and well being of its own citizens and uses the hundreds of millions of exploited cash to "donate" and "give" to other countries to look good on paper. Buying debt bonds from the USA too so there can be more political leverage.

I know my comments will probably incite the "equalizers" out there who want to say that the USA, Canada, Britain, or Australia is doing the same thing to their citizens. Well, I hate to burst your bubbles but your logic basically states that you cannot accept something that is going from good to bad, but you only will accept it when everything and everybody is at the absolute WOR5T. Only that will give you a peace of mind, eh? It would make you happy to see 10 and 12 year olds working for 10 cents a week in coal mines or for the legal age of sexual consent to be lowered to 14, wouldn't it? Civilization at its finest, PSYCH.

Messages In This Thread
Re: China offered US$100,000 to help the victims of Haiyan -- John O'Shei -- 2013-11-12
Re: China offered US$100,000 to help the victims of Haiyan -- Dragonized -- 2013-11-21
Re: China offered US$100,000 to help the victims of Haiyan -- John O'Shei -- 2013-11-21
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