Bill Jacot - 2013-11-27

I would like to correspond with someone who does or recently did teach English in China using an F Visa. I had been teaching in China for almost 8 years, but this term my contract was not renewed because of my age, 65. I was not able to get a new Z Visa. I have read that some foreign teachers are presently teaching in mostly Pvt language training centers using F Visas, so I want to explore this possibility. After almost 8 years teaching there, I made many good friends, which unfortunately I had to leave. So if you have teaching exp using an F Visa, please contact me so I can learn more about this option. Thank you My email is billjacot@yahoo.com

Messages In This Thread
F Visa -- Bill Jacot -- 2013-11-27
Re: F Visa -- John O'Shei -- 2013-11-28

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