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John O'Shei - 2013-12-14
In response to Behaving Well Abroad (Foreign Teacher in China)

I've been teaching in Northern China for some years now. In the process of doing so, I've met foreign teachers from all over the world. Sad to say, I've seen a number of Brits, Australians, Americans and New Zealanders letting down their homelands badly in public from time to time! It seems to me that those ignorant foreigners should refrain from drinking alcohol as it brings out the worst in them.

I'm a Canadian, and I'm proud to say that I've still to encounter any of my fellow Canadians misbehaving in China. We are a different breed!

Oh really... It's only Anglophones that misbehave whilst drinking? Get out more you pathetic bellend.

Don't you know about the reputation of the French interns in Shanghai? Or German engineers that love to bang a prossie or two to polish off a night on the sauce? (especially in Changchun and Dalian), not to mention those African students that tend to forget the meaning of the word 'consent' after a few beers (everywhere). Then there's also the Russian female students that seem to partake in part-time prostitution in some of the nightclubs frequented by Westerners, after drinking at a cheaper bar beforehand (Dalian and apparently Shenyang & Haerbin too). As for the Indians, some of the richer heavy drinkers are just... let's just say the result of a repressed society where marriages are often arranged and their mothers still cook for them at 30.

May I also ask, have you never seen a Chinese person get drunk and partake in various forms of naughtiness? Oh, you probably wouldn't write anything about that because you are a silly nationalist Chinese wumao that wouldn't ever dare criticize the behaviour of your own people.

But if you are a real Canadian... It is quite likely that people think you Canadians are just Americans (because you are just the 51st state after all, these days), you behave like dicks and America gets the blame again. Because Chinese people just love to partake in a bit of America bashing.

Messages In This Thread
Behaving Well Abroad -- Foreign Teacher in China -- 2013-12-14
Re: Behaving Well Abroad -- Robert Flintoff -- 2013-12-15
Re: Behaving Well Abroad -- Dragonized -- 2013-12-16
Re: Behaving Well Abroad -- John O'Shei -- 2013-12-16
Re: Behaving Well Abroad -- Robert Flintoff -- 2013-12-16
Re: Behaving Well Abroad -- San Migs -- 2013-12-16
Re: Behaving Well Abroad -- John O'Shei -- 2013-12-16
Re: Behaving Well Abroad -- John O'Shei -- 2013-12-16
Re: Behaving Well Abroad -- Robert Flintoff -- 2013-12-16
Re: Behaving Well Abroad -- John O'Shei -- 2013-12-14
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