View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i
John O'Shei - 2013-12-27

You might be from a ghetto area of Britain.
The guy was on about getting beaten to a pulp downtown, which is not a ghetto area! And if he lives in a ghetto, that 's irrelevant! Stop twisting what people say!
As for your country, gun crime is a very serious problem. So don't give us your society as something to be followed, especially with the unbridled snooping by your security services on your citizens! Get real, man.

You obviously have zero experience of living in Britain, as the rougher areas in most towns, tend not to be so far from the downtown areas. Well, I guess in America it could be similar, with all those studies into 'white flight' where the wealthy (and usually white, hence the not so PC name) tend to migrate away from the town to the more pleasant suburbs.

Asides from in some larger cities like London and Manchester, most wealthy people I know of tend to like to avoid living downtown, they tend to commute from the leafier suburbs. One or two younger guys might go for the big centrally based luxury apartment, but most won't.

Anyway, unless you have young children to bring up; you can be pretty much considered to be a bit of pussyole if you really fear living in the 'ghetto areas' that much. In fact, I find that certain rougher areas tend to have more character, livelier underground/alternative scenes and can be in a strange way; actually safer. Habitual burglars and the like don't like shitting on their own doorstep and gang members tend to look after their ends, those involved in the real crime are quite discreet, for example: dealers will often be making over a grand a week at least very easily, yet will drive around in a shitty clapped out Ford Fiesta to avoid attention. Those of certain ethnicities such as the Turks or Pakistanis will often stick together and make sure that not too go much shit goes off around their area too.

Messages In This Thread
"China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights in China -- Curious -- 2013-12-26
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i -- Dumper McFoodle -- 2013-12-26
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i -- Dragonized -- 2013-12-27
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i -- Tosh -- 2013-12-27
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i -- John O'Shei -- 2013-12-27
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i -- Dragonized -- 2013-12-27
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i -- Tosh -- 2013-12-27
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i -- Dragonized -- 2013-12-28
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i -- San Migs -- 2013-12-27
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i -- Dragonized -- 2013-12-27
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i -- John O'Shei -- 2013-12-27
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i -- John O'Shei -- 2013-12-27
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i -- Dragonized -- 2013-12-27
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i -- John O'Shei -- 2013-12-27
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i

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