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John O'Shei - 2014-01-08



It may be really difficult for a western media company to produce that moment-defining, industry shaking documentary that scares the parents of university graduates who wish to travel for a year in Asia.

http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/forum/index.pl?read=88647 (Which was a reply to this post from Dragonized: http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/forum/index.pl?noframes;read=88633)

The problem is that TV shows tend to only cater for the ‘lowest common denominator’. However if Vice magazine did a documentary on the net, it would probably be hilariously humiliating, even if it only appeals to a few people.

Remember these posts? I even directly said that VICE magazine needed to write an article about the shit state of affairs in ESL. Vice have only just gone and f**king done precisely that!


O.K, it is VICE. They aren't your usual style of journalists, not always the most professional, a tad sensationalist and worst of all, half of them are a bunch of irritating hipsters that you have not seen so much of since the last time that you walked past a student union bar in a western country during the daytime. A lot of people take the guys at VICE with a great huge pinch of salt.

However... They aren't quite the small D.I.Y student led website that they used to be...

Numerous media sources reported in mid-August 2013 that Rupert Murdoch's corporation 21st Century Fox had invested US$70 million in Vice Media, resulting in a 5 percent stake. (OK, the involvement of Fox isn't a great thing either)

They do have a HUGE audience (more than 1.7 million likes on facebook). They have brought little known issues to the western world's attention such as the Krokodil (Desomorphine) addiction epidemic in Russia. After that article which shocked the world, mainstream journalists did start chasing that issue too.

So let's look at some of the article, it is not all 100% correct, may not have 100% correct honourable purposes, but it exposes an awful lot of the bullshit to an awful lot of people.

    If you’re a white English speaker, you can get a job teaching private English classes in China. Many schools will hire you without any prior experience, teaching credentials, or a working visa. Sometimes you don’t even need to apply for the job.

    In addition to the roughly 180,000 “foreign experts” who enter China on working visas each year to work in education, there are many more who come to work on tourist or university visas. Of the dozens of English teachers we talked to for this story, only two had official work visas, and little more than half had any kind of teaching experience or certification.

    Most of the English teachers we spoke to said their employers have similarly scarce requirements, and that ESL certificates are rarely required. Even when they are, forgeries can be purchased for as little as $300. In 2007, The China Post reported that as many as 40 percent of the foreign teachers in Taiwan were operating under fake credentials.

    many see these teaching jobs as an opportunity to live an easy life abroad while working only 20 hours a week—and quite possibly screwing up some kid's education while they're at it.

I will try to discuss the finer parts of the article later with some of you guys later. But is this an advertisement for the likes of the down and out W.W's of this world to find guaranteed employment or a whistle-blowing exposé upon the sorry state of affairs that the ESL industry of China is in?

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