View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Green oasis school yet again
Gotcha - 2014-01-10

School still employing dodgy teachers. 'Science teacher' who can only teach IT and no formal teacher quals.
Principle bringing a 'good friends son 'to do his teacher training, only to find that the guy followed middle school students home, took a 13 year old to a bar until 10 pm and hung out with the 'students' in the quad. And took a lot of convincing to get rid of him before the poo hit the fan lol
Breaking the Government rules about employing 'same sex ' married couples in the school. Watch out in the PE dept. teachers are worried about their reputations at the school. Mr Toad running down the head of middle school to all the new teachers in his introduction meeting...Would you want to work in this school?
I believe Tournei has been right all along about this place.
Still trying to be better than J at SCIE

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