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John O'Shei - 2014-02-15

I think the Helen's chain of bars as found all over China, uses something similar. It is called 'Qingdao Whisky' or something (nothing to do with the famous brewer 'Tsingtao' I think) and from a distance, all those bottles look like real Johnnie Walker Red Label bottles. But if you look a little bit closer, you will under why all those whisky and coke buckets cost just 19RMB or something. At least, it's not actually fake, but damn...

There are reasons that I do not drink in any of the Helen's bars on a regular basis, but that kind of shit booze is definitely one of them. In fact, there is only two good reasons I can think of to drink in such tacky shit chain bars like Helen's/Windows in China, which are: To find to easy to pick up slags to bang, no strings attached and secondly: To get wasted beyond control, because you have lost any ounce of self-respect that you once had (which usually happens in tandem with reason 1).

English teaching does not that pay well, but I can afford to spend a little more and drink the good quality stuff, in a good place.

Also, going to slightly more expensive bars reduces the risk of bumping into any of my students/the business or tourist visa deecher crew/the freshly arrived in China crew/the Third World rapists and drug peddlers. Don't get me wrong, I love my students and usually have time to talk to them, but when I'm having a nice relaxing drink in grown up company, they can all bugger off.

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Re: Plagiarism- well almost -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-15
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