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ZhengGoGrow - 2014-02-21

Speaking of nonsense - Christianity hasn't been entrenched in European culture for 2000 year and it wasn't established in much of Europe until we get to our 7th and 8th century where it certainly does because they 'premise' for Europe. Which is just pointed out to show you suck at Chinese and European history but is beside the point which is Christianity has as much right to be established as part of China's religious history when it appeared in the 8th century and then later influential in the Mongol Yuan era (where we see direct influence into government) and then yes for the last 400 years. If you are trying to boast about Indian imports being more popular in China or Christianity more popular in Europe then have at it - but the point remains Christianity has all the rights in the world to be called one of China's original religions and part of China's cultural heritage. ....Oh and no the Trinity wasn't developed in Europe or anywhere else but Judea by Jesus and his Apostles but if you make up enough hot-shot scholarly 'sounding' baffle-gab then maybe someone reading this will think Greco-Indu-European-Hellenistic-FaketermSoundsSmarty tradition means you refuted something.

Knock it off with the creepy anti-Christian bashing.

If anyone is interested in less ridiculous rhetoric and getting directly to the issue at hand - 'Focus on The Family' is an American-based 'evangelical' (careful this word has come to mean something like 'not-mainline-protestant' and 'revival/charismatic style' church denominations (not so much 'evangelists'). As a mainline denomination member, a Canadian and a reasonable person I tend to be suspicious of these groups showing up in my city and building their Canadian Office across from my workplace. I've not only investigated 'FotF' but visited their offices. I took the time to read through their literature and listen to their broadcasts. It's not my style. I can nitpick them, dislike some of their associations and quibble with their attitude. What's the conclusion? Overall they spend a lot of time emphasizing traditional family ideals (traditional to China and the world) and these include marriage as something 'holy', commitment, fidelity, avoiding things like cheating on your wife or her cheating on her husband. They spend a lot of time on 'Fathers responsibilities' and respecting mothers and grandmothers. They have all these ideas about how to raise successful children who respect their elders and why education and sports improve children. Why crime is bad, why sexually transmitted diseases are bad. Why families should bond, stay strong, support each other so that they can be meaningful and helpful to their own community.

You think this is such a bad thing? Even if you are like me and don't really want to join them or even dislike their campy Americanisms or maybe their style isn't for you?
Wow they are not hurting anything and if they want to dump their time and money into something that only helps the community then fantastic. Let them.

Messages In This Thread
Re: missionaries on campus -- ZhengGoGrow -- 2014-02-21
Re: missionaries on campus -- giver or taker? -- 2014-02-22
Re: missionaries on campus -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-22
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