View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re "yellow fever" OR no options at all: Which one is correct?
Lucky Strike Larry - 2014-04-05

Your old rant re China bashing. Sex is one of the beautiful things in life, but like money it is not the only thing and everything in life. If a foreigner fails in a relationship with a Chinese partner, married or not, then just forget it and move on. There is more to China than only sex.

You infer that foreigners hate China when they fail in a relationship for whatever reason. Did you fail in such a relationship and therefore feel a hatred towards all Chinese people?

Then, you are wrong, wrong, wrong!
I like some people in China and dislike others for their behaviour and aura. That's it how it should be!

Get a life and stop posting your stupid, racist rubbish! Did you drink too much Baijiu in your crappy EF training centre office?

You seem to excel in a dubious technique of grabbing hold of what your perceived antagonist has said against
you, relabeling it as your own, and firing it off back at them, hee hee haw haw. It was me and others saying to you that there is more to China than sex!! Not the other way around. I certainly would not agree with you about throw-away-marriages and just moving on. I want you to get this post so I'd better not say any more at the moment. It's mild compared to the one replied to.

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Re "yellow fever" OR no options at all: Which one is correct? -- Lucky Strike Larry -- 2014-04-05
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