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huomian shifu - 2014-05-28

Corr blimey dough kneading master, methinks turnoi doth protest too much, and that ye have scarred him for life.

2+ years and he can't let this "da fei ji" wanker fellow go? Any other educated man would have moved on for good, but no, 2 years more and a good while later, and he is still banging on about this fellow. What did he do? Hack his paypal and drain his credit cards? Steal turnois girlfriend in China? run out of a restaurant and leave turnoi with a bill of 10,000 for expensive dishes and bottles of XO? One has to wonder, for a professor he certainly likes schoolboy arguments in the schoolyard, most of us left that behind at school at 13/14....turnoi still likes to smash conkers virtually online in his 60s, he must be lonely as a pelican flying solo, strewth mate, reading his posts makes me want to open a few cold Victoria bitters mate and listen to some men at work, he has ruined another antipodeans life, but he ain't going to ruin mine mate!!!

Good post shifu!!

You don't need me to tell you that you are entirely right; you certainly know your Chinese; and with that knowledge, it couldn't have meant anything else. Thank you.

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