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jinchafa - 2005-09-22

Hey Rheno, Sorry you're still laboring under the hot sun of Thailand and the depressive weight of trying to make a difference in the lives of students who generally could care less.
I've been back in the States now for about a week after being gone for nearly two years. Mostly I've been reflecting on what the hell I've been doing and why the hell I came back here - other than to see family and friends that I've sorely missed.
Well anyway, I've been appreciating your posts and have failed to respond to them or the replies because of this reflective, if not lethargic, space I'm in right now. However, the current discussion seems worthy of note - that of shelling out the many dollars for a real TESOL certificate or going the route of gaining a fake one. Actually, I can't add much to the discussion other than to say I'm glad I have a real certificate - it increases my options. I guess I can add that it also gives me something to refer to when my imagination has failed me or when ennui has become a factor.
Well anyway here's some random thoughts and maybe a few questions:

What I've noticed most about teaching in Asia and, more specifically, teaching in China, is that generally one must make a choice between making a little more money or making a difference. When I've worked in remote or impoverished areas I've noticed that the students are more responsive and motivated than those who've had the benefit of a more affluent (read spoiled) upbringing. I imagine it to be the same in Thailand. That is, if you were to teach in a village far removed from Bangkok or any other large city, you would probably find the students more motivated, the locals more respectful, and the job itself ultimately more rewarding to the soul; albeit, not rewarding financially.

In China however, the uncertainties of taking on a new job have become such that I reached a burnout point that benefits neither me nor my students. And unfortunately those uncertainties are there regardless if you've been hired directly by the school or a recruiter. Thus, although I will be returning to Asia, or- who knows - maybe elsewhere, to teach, I will not be returning to China to teach until I can afford to do it in a volunteer capacity and open a school in a remote village.

I wholeheartedly disagree with those who suggest that being dissatisfied with a teaching position and voicing one's concerns translates as culturally insensitive or unable to deal with the differences of teaching abroad. Regardless of where we are we should expect honesty and appreciation for our qualifications and experience.

Where in the minds of those of you who are frequent readers and responders to these posts is the best place to teach? Broad question.............Ok, where is the best place to teach where one can expect appropriate renumeration, appreciative students, decent housing and other benefits, along with an environment that is not so much of a culture shock that it prevents one from doing an effective job? I'm serious about this. I'm ready to go anywhere.............

Messages In This Thread
hey Rheno - Teachers discussion -- jinchafa -- 2005-09-22
Jin, hook up with.... - Teachers discussion -- RhenoA340 -- 2005-09-23
Hey BD, Jinchafa - Teachers discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2005-09-23
Re: HeyBD, Jinchafa - Teachers discussion -- jinchafa -- 2005-09-24
What can be done? - Teachers discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2005-09-24
I've seen that - Teachers discussion -- Rheno757 -- 2005-09-24
Great! - Teachers discussion -- BD -- 2005-09-23
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