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zài Devon de nà yí gè xiū xi shì de Bob - 2014-06-03

Shi without tone and characters is not clear in meaning, but there is a character 室 (shio in fourth tone) meaning room. Your fault if you use it and can't use the proper character. Nobody needs to understand your mistranslations, even not a Chinese native speaker.
Whatever way you turn and twist it, you know nothing and talk rubbish. Fool!

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So you are telling all ; because you don't think they will know anyway. Although a Chinese may have wondered why it was said apropos of seemingly nothing he would say it's good Chinese. But I gave you a clue in something you have been waffling on about 'Restroom in Exeter' Now Exeter is in Devon is it not? You are very slow on the uptake and no good at Chinese. You are loud and hope people think that means you know your onions.

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Re Greetings to the piranhas in your swimming pool -- zài Devon de nà yí gè xiū xi shì de Bob -- 2014-06-03
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