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Beth - 2014-11-07

I've never claimed to be an expert on Chinese ESL, all I've ever said is that it's possible to teach well at a TC in China, that not all TCs are as bad as you make out, that Chinese state school does not automatically equal better than a private school and that teaching oral English to learners who can already speak English at a university in China is only a very small snapshot of what teaching ESL really is.

Only you and the rest of the troll-troupe seem to think otherwise in your never ending quest to argue with me. You can't provide direct quotes or links to where I've said what you claim because it doesn't exist!

And you keep banging on about this systemic problem of ESL teaching. This problem mainly exists in Asia as in Europe the rules on hiring language teachers are much tighter. Without proper qualifications, you can't get a job teaching in good private schools in Europe. If China were to adopt that same policy, the problems would halve overnight as all the crappy tourist-teacher wastes-of-space would be unable to get a teaching position and real teachers wouldn't stand for half of the nonsense TC owners try on. I didn't, which is why I clashed so often with my bosses as I wanted what was best for the students in my care. Tourist-teachers don't really care about their students long-term needs and are less likely to challenge their bosses on teaching practices, and even if they did care, they lack the teacher training to know any different.

The Chinese government wants it's people to have a grasp of English, something that the state schools are unequipped to provide (as CL has attested to), which means private schools have a foothold on the need. China's base corruption and desire for capital leads people to exploit this need and so where good private schools could exist and do well, some greedy owners will cut corners and hire idiots in order to make money. This is wrong, and I have never said differently. The problem of ESL in China is not something a teacher can do anything about other than to buck the trend and teach as they should, not do as little as possible and blame the system for their own lack of dedication. The wider system problem in Chinese ESL will only be changed when the government knuckles down on hiring policy and makes school owners hire professional teachers who know how to teach.

As for you and Turnoi being asked to teach kids, so what? You are asking me to take responsibility for someone I don't know, offering you a job you can't do nor are qualified for because they don't understand the nuances of ESL teaching in a country that hires degreeless idiots wanting to fund an extended holiday?! Why should I be responsible for that?!

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Re Arrogant frauds on ESL sites. -- Beth -- 2014-11-07
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