yu2fa3 - 2014-11-27

Sex industry/prostitution: How much is it to hire an upmarket hooker there by the hour, in the 20 to 24 y/o age bracket? I mean for 150 to 250 AUD an hour, what can you get? I would expect high quality girls and exceptional service for that sort of coin! What about overnight rates? Like 500 to 700 dollars, is that in the realm of possiblity?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

I'd suggest something on account of the above being very worrying for you- plus all very sad for all concerned. Let me tell you a true story.

I had an acquaintance like you once. No success with normal women. It would start okay sometimes but always end badly for both himself and the woman concerned. So he would regularly need, in his eyes, recourse to the ladies of the night. When I say 'night' I mean the darkness in which man often wallows in self-pity and lust.

Once upon a time he found himself drunk in his five star hotel, his stopover between endless Asian try-out-destinations. Which places the read doesn't need to know for our story. He was back in his luxury room when an enormous hunger for food began nagging him. He managed to stumble down and find a nearly deserted kitchen at 3 am. Deserted but for a young kitchen porter attending to the remaining dirty pots, pans and plates. "Get me a steak!" he bellowed "I pay your wages, don't I!? The porter rushed out of his scullery and reprimanded my friend "Customers are not allowed in the kitchen ,Sir, and it's too late for meals, we have no chef on duty!" However when their eyes met, something happened and the porter changed his tune to " But I could unofficially prepare you a steak and bring it to your room ,Sir, but you must go back now ,Sir, other wise I may be in trouble." Well to cut a long story short because my Esther is bellowing to be picked up- I don't know what happened in my friends room shortly after their first encounter. But what I do know is that they both now live happily together in Ilfracombe where they run a 'curiosity shop' which does a brisk trade. Even better, my friend now has plenty of lady friends. They no longer feel nervous of him or his boyfriend.

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Re Vietnam -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-11-27

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