Robert - 2014-11-27

Sex industry/prostitution: How much is it to hire an upmarket hooker there by the hour, in the 20 to 24 y/o age bracket? I mean for 150 to 250 AUD an hour, what can you get? I would expect high quality girls and exceptional service for that sort of coin! What about overnight rates? Like 500 to 700 dollars, is that in the realm of possiblity?

I can't believe you put this in your post SB but I'm not surprised.
You had the audacity, to pick a bone with yu2fa3, for uploading a pic of his child, now you post this, just shows what a scumbag you are.

Your suppose to be a educator but your a con heo. It's Vietnamese, for: A pig.

Messages In This Thread
Re Vietnam -- Robert -- 2014-11-27
Re Vietnam -- John O'Shei -- 2014-11-27
Re Vietnam -- Robert -- 2014-11-28

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