Beth - 2014-11-27

I am far from a prude. Anybody who knows me IRL would piss themselves laughing at the suggestion I was!

That does not mean, however, that I condone prostitution nor does it mean I think a teaching forum is a place for such a discussion. I have a friend who worked as a prostitute some years ago, she didn't do it because she enjoyed it, she did it because she was desperate and felt she had no other option. Not to mention these days the amounts of women who are not doing it by choice and whose safety depends on convincing willfully ignorant punters of their happiness with their situation.

People like you exploit that desperation and try to mask it with the excuse that marriage can be a transaction also. There is a world of difference between staying with somebody you don't love for material gain and having to part your legs numerous times a day for men who see you as nothing more than means to an end. One is unsavory and depressing, the other is exploiting somebody with no choice. Justify it any way you like that allows you to sleep at night. All this does is add to my conviction that people like you are the epitome of all that is wrong with the ESL industry in Asia.

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Re Vietnam -- Beth -- 2014-11-27

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