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Beth - 2014-11-28
In response to Re: Re Vietnam (Fifi)

I don't believe they love what they do, I believe they love the money they get. Having sex with random strangers you wouldn't look twice at given the choice eventually takes its toll on a person, irrespective of the money they earn. Forcing yourself to pleasure a man who turns your stomach is not something you can do for very long before you need to start self-medicating to get through the ordeal. This is why so many sex workers have alcohol or drug problems, even the high end ones.

The odd few who genuinely enjoy it are far outweighed by those who don't and are being forced or coerced to smile and convince their customers that "No, really, I just live for going down on your smelly old self, what more can I do to degrade myself and please you more?" The threat of violence or withholding of earnings being the punishment for an unsatisfied customer.

The statistics for trafficked women are horrific. Take a quick look at a few reports on it and you'll see how endemic the problem is. Not to mention the amount of girls who were forced in to the role by parents or guardians at a young (under)age and now don't have any other choice but to continue that work as an adult as they have little to no schooling.

In counties where prostitution is legal and regulated this is not so much of a problem and my opinion is then somewhat softened. However for counties such as Vietnam where it isn't regulated and where there is a reputation for the availability of underage girls and boys, it isn't a big leap to say that a vast amount of the legal age prostitutes have been in the life for a long time and the initial decision to sell themselves was not likely their own. Hence the continued use of them perpetuates the cycle of exploitation.

Messages In This Thread
Re Vietnam -- Beth -- 2014-11-28
Re: Re Vietnam -- Fifi -- 2014-11-28
Re: Re Vietnam -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-11-28
Re: Re Vietnam -- Beth -- 2014-11-28
Re: Re Vietnam -- Fifi -- 2014-11-28
Re: Re Vietnam -- Beth -- 2014-11-28
Re: Re Vietnam -- Fifi -- 2014-11-28
Re: Re Vietnam -- Beth -- 2014-11-28
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