yu2fa3 - 2014-11-28

Well, that post of mine set the cat among the pigeons! It seems there are many prudes on here. Let me remind posters on here that marriage, especially in China, IS prostitution!

Easy on there mate; i don't regard myself as a prostitute just because my wife works and gives me cash. I have to look after the baby because she has better earning ability. Marriage is about sharing and it doesn't actually matter who physically brings home the bacon. We are thinking of swapping roles after Spring Festival for a year, since the wife's family want to spend some time with the baby. No, my wife hands me her pay cheque once a month. I pay it into her bank with the aim of leaving her a few quid for pocket money. I then take all her wages out of her bank in separate £250 amounts and pay it into my account. She may go to work and earn it but it's our money.

This account of yours of women asking for sex in return for a car....you've made it up. It probably happens rarely- too rarely for us to take into account.

I am no male prostitute!

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Re Vietnam -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-11-28

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