Robert - 2014-11-28
In response to Re Vietnam (John O'Shei)

So are you calling SB an adult, haha, he's not much of an adult to me, when he calls China's marriages, "prostitution".

Here is the latest statement, from a so called adult

"Let me remind posters on here that marriage, especially in China, IS prostitution!"

What a statement to make, from a so called educator.

Let me remind you, there were 29 posts on this subject, many were negative.

I am not a prude but asking for this kind of information about "hookers in Vietnam", on this board, is uncalled for, what he should have done, to think first before he posted his query but he doesn't have a brain, he lets his penis, do the thinking for him.

So Mr. O'Shei, let me ask you this, Will you marry your Chinese girlfriend and will it be deemed a prostituted marriage? or tell SB, what kind of scumbag, he really is? Personally, I don't think you will, you just don't have the balls.

Also, I don't have to question, my life, I have one. It may be different from yours but at least, I will stick up for my Chinese wife, thank you very much.

Messages In This Thread
Re Vietnam -- Robert -- 2014-11-27
Re Vietnam -- John O'Shei -- 2014-11-27
Re Vietnam -- Robert -- 2014-11-28

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