Beth - 2014-11-28

n. I do my homework and I am selective. I don't go out looking for the cheapest whore I can get. I also avoided any place with male pimps, I made sure the girls were self-employed or were running a business as a group.

Are you honestly that naive that you don't understand that the safety of the working girls depends on (in most cases) their customers believing that they're there of their own volition? Or that customers believing the girls enjoy it is how the girls ensure they get what little money their bosses give them without hassle? If you honestly believe there isn't a pimp involved at some point you are again only lying to yourself. Of course the girls will tell you they are happy, they don't want to lose your business and get in trouble with the person who counts the coins.

You do not know what goes on after the doors close behind you, you got what you went for. The girl who goes home at night hating herself and feeling humiliated... You don't think about her at all.

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Re Vietnam -- Beth -- 2014-11-28
Re: Re Vietnam -- BeenThere -- 2014-11-28

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